
Jon Stewart Catches Us Up In Advance of the Iowa Caucuses

Matt Toder · 01/03/12 11:31PM

Tonight's Daily Show can't comment on the Iowa caucuses on account of having been taped earlier today but that didn't stop Jon Stewart from breaking out his "White Man's Sampler" box of chocolates and breaking down the candidates. The plain one is Romney of course, the one filled with nuts is Bachmann and the one with the terrible cherry concoction inside is, naturally, Santorum.

Live: The Iowa Caucuses

Jim Newell · 01/03/12 08:02PM

Well here we are, first voting night of the presidential season, and CNN is already completely insane, playing with ludicrous pastel penis holograms while Wolf Blitzer meanders around looking for some anxious correspondent to appear on a garish outer space screen and say nothing. Only in Iowa!...?? Let's get this over with.

iPhone Photography for Perverts

Ryan Tate · 01/03/12 06:27PM

Illicit photography is way up in Japan, and police blame smartphone silencers - apps that hush up the sound of taking a picture. Maybe this spy technology will be America's next big cultural import from Asia. God knows we have enough pervs.

Reddit Has Gone Mad with Power

Adrian Chen · 01/03/12 05:25PM

The past few weeks have seen an impressive burst of political activism from nerd hive Reddit. Now they're talking about "destroying" senators. Oh jesus, this does not bode well.

Mountain Dew Is So Extreme It Will Turn Mice Into Jelly

Max Read · 01/03/12 04:25PM

If there's one thing everyone knows about Mountain Dew, the soda specifically designed to gross out your mom when you make her buy it for sleepovers, it's that it's extreme. How extreme? So extreme it will turn a mouse into jelly!

Upside Down: Kirsten Dunst Is Head Over Heels

Brian Moylan · 01/03/12 03:41PM

Check out this French trailer for the new thriller Upside Down. I don't quite get how this high concept works. Apparently there is a world with two sets of gravity and those who are right side up can't fall in love with those upside down. Unless you're Kirsten Dunst, of course.

Upper Middle Class Poised to Riot as Starbucks, New York Times Prices Rise

Max Read · 01/03/12 02:55PM

Hello, Upper Middle Class! I see you there, at your professional job, with your graduate degree and your above-average salary and your subtle gradations of taste. I bet you thought 2012 was going to be your year! Sorry, bud: both Starbucks and the Times are raising their prices.

Bloggers Were Paid To Write About Google Chrome

Ryan Tate · 01/03/12 02:45PM

Hundreds of bloggers were bribed to write posts promoting Google Chrome in recent weeks. The scandal is only worsened by Google's excuse: The whole scheme was dreamed up by the company it hired to help make things popular on the web.

Omar Little Was Arrested in Baltimore This Weekend

Brian Moylan · 01/03/12 02:35PM

Yes, Omar Little was booked on possession of a handgun in Baltimore this weekend. No, silly, it's not Omar Little the awesome gay vigilante who terrorized the drug dealers of Charm City that we all rooted for on The Wire, this was a real Omar Little. Turns out, he also favors a life of crime.

A Complete People's History of the Iowa Presidential Campaign Season

Jim Newell · 01/03/12 02:13PM

Today is that great quadrennial celebration in American democracy: The eve of the day that our political system can completely stop caring about Iowa for another few years, aside from delivering the annual Christmas card of billions of dollars in useless farm subsidies. The Iowa caucuses, however, must be dealt with first, as Republican caucus-goers prepare to crown either Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, or Ron Paul as their new Harvest King tonight. How did things go so wrong? Let's go back and relive the crucial moments of this Iowa campaign season, together, by looking at some funny pictures and making dumb jokes.

Crazed Butt Doctor's Victim Count Rises to 30

Maureen O'Connor · 01/03/12 01:35PM

The investigation into Oneal Ron Morris—the Floridian fake doctor accused of preying on the transgender community and injecting "cement, Fix-a-Flat, mineral oil, and superglue" into patients—has expanded to include "as many as 30" victims, the New York Daily News reports. Victims of "The Duchess" are coming forward from as far away as Indiana, The Miami Herald reports, and the Department of Health is now involved. [NYDN, Miami Herald]

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Lei'd Down the Law

Brian Moylan · 01/03/12 01:34PM

Oooooh snap, girlfriend honeychild, Taylor and Russell broke up. MMMhhhmmm. And now Russell is dead. And we had to watch it. It's just another night here on Paradise Island of the Beverly Hills Housewives, where everything is vacations and parties and too-small bikinis. Yes, no one has a care in the world.

Genius Cops Caught Apparently Planting Evidence By Own Dash Camera

Max Read · 01/03/12 12:40PM

Here's a video of two Utica, N.Y. police officers searching a car during a traffic stop. At 1:02, one officer pulls a small baggie of something out of his pocket and ducks into the car; at 1:31, he emerges again, holding the same baggie. Oops! (Update: Police have responded, saying that the full video shows the officer had previously found the baggie on the suspect and placed it in his pocket.)

The Queen Probably Did Not Murder the Dead Woman Found on Her Estate

Max Read · 01/03/12 11:03AM

A dead woman has been found on Queen Elizabeth's country estate! "We are at the very early stages of the investigation and it could be a complex inquiry," says Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry. I know what you're thinking: the Queen murdered someone!