
Crisis: Americans Are Waiting Too Long in Drive-Thrus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/13 08:37AM

Wake up, zombie Americans! It's time to stop wasting our time jabbering about inconsequential matters like sports or cable TV shows or a "government shutdown." Our fellow citizens are, right this moment, facing an actual crisis: waiting in their cars far too long for a Sausage-n-Cheez Biscuit Combo.

Man Spends $140 at McDonald's and Makes "McEverything"

Lacey Donohue · 09/18/13 08:57PM

If you’ve ever wanted to go to McDonald’s and make one giant sandwich out of every sandwich they offer, the good news is that you can as long as you have $140.33. Nick at Dude Foods, who claims that building the McEverything has been the “number one item” on his bucket list for a few years, recently completed this horrifying feat. But why would anyone want a sandwich that combines a fucking Sausage McGriddle, a Big Mac, and a Filet-O-Fish?

McDonald's Introduces $15 Bucket-O-Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/13 08:43AM

A new season is dawning, and with it, a new craving in America's soul. A craving for sustenance. A new kind of sustenance. Or, more accurately, a "comically large quantity of McDonald's food items" kind of sustenance.

At the New York City Fast Food Strike

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/13 01:59PM

Today, a right wing think tank ran a full page Wall Street Journal ad implying that a rise in the minimum wage would cause fast food workers to be replaced by robots. The prospect of robo-dystopia did not deter the hundreds of chanting protesters who bent the corner of Broadway and Nassau at 11:15 this morning.

Cord Jefferson · 07/30/13 11:43AM

With fast-food workers around the country striking for better pay, a new study finds that McDonald's could double all of its employees' wages and benefits—including the CEO's—and the cost of a Big Mac would only increase by 68 cents. The Dollar Menu would increase to $1.17.

The Fast Food Industry Is the Deadest of Dead Ends

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/13 04:01PM

It's the American dream: start out as a wretched fry cook at McDonald's, and— with plenty of pluck and hard work— work your way up to owning your own McDonald's one day. A new study quantifies just how unrealistic this idea is.

Kids of the Future Will Be Denied Sweet Taco Bell Memories

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 08:37AM

There are some things that make you reminisce wistfully on your own childhood and realize, "yeah, things were better back then." Like today's so-called "music." Or today's so-called "fashion." Or when Taco Bell announces they're ending their kids meals.

Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Puts Penis on Bread, Posts Pic on Instagram

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/22/13 06:15PM

You'd think that, with the recent rash of news stories covering fast food employees getting canned for posting photos of themselves mishandling food to their social media accounts, other restaurant industry workers would arrive at the conclusion that following in their footsteps would be a bad move on their part.