Hills Star's Awful Fashion Award
Ryan Tate · 04/25/08 03:53AM
Janice Min will come to regret this: Her Us Weekly has named Lauren Conrad "Celebrity Designer Of The Year" as part of a special section called "Us Hot Hollywood Style Winners." (Click the picture at left for a full-sized image, courtesy Bryanboy.) Wow. Well, that's, uh, bold. Because the critics have not been kind to the Hills star's work. New York called her Lauren Conrad Collection "tragique." When Bryanboy saw the Us spread, Marc Jacobs' favorite gay Filipino fashion blogger barfed. Well, haters, Us wrote that Conrad has "won... a wide array of fans," so there. Their source? Oh, that would be Conrad herself, repeating something someone else told her:
Surprisingly, Heidi Montag's Clothing Line is Unwearable
Richard Lawson · 04/17/08 10:49AM
The Fug Girls from New York's The Cut blog went and tried on some Heidiwood clothes recently, and found the experience unpleasant. The cheapo clothing line, "designed" by Hills star Heidi Montag, is available through Anchor Blue, and is composed of items that (unlike her competitor Lauren Conrad's more pricey collection) retail for around $10 to $60. And even those low prices felt expensive for the clothing, which is fashioned out of bits of Heidi's hair and old Hellman's mayonnaise labels. The best section of the charmingly unhappy review is after the jump, plus a larger image of the splendiferous clothing you see before you.