
Your Pants Are Lying to You About How Thin You Are

Max Read · 09/07/10 11:44PM

Most guys have probably guessed that mainstream clothing companies are a little bit... generous with their measurements. But they probably haven't guessed how generous. The Dockers 36-inch waist? Actually 39.5 inches around. And they're not even the worst offenders.

Behold the $1,555 iPad Case

Ryan Tate · 09/07/10 12:44PM

Carrying an iPad around might make people think you're a trend-chasing spendthrift. So why not buy an $800 or $1500 iPad case from Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent — and prove it?

Dudes Have All Types of Excuses for Wearing Makeup

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/10 11:55AM

Men use cosmetics these days. Okay, fine. "Do you!" as we always exclaim, followed by a Z-shaped pattern of finger snaps. Unfortunately, guys seem to have a bit of a problem owning up to their makeup fetish.

Employee Found Dead at American Apparel HQ

Sergio Hernandez · 09/01/10 10:37AM

American Apparel just can't catch a break. An employee was found dead at the company's downtown Los Angeles headquarters yesterday, adding yet another misfortune to the clothing retailer's ever-growing list of public relations woes.

Camo Pantie Grandpa Free to Fly Anywhere He Chooses

Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/10 04:26PM

For those of you who were wondering: old men wearing camo halter tops and matching bikini bottoms will—repeat, will—be allowed to board planes, here in America. It's the land of the free. Duh. Larger pic is below.

All the Girls In New York Will Soon Look Like Elaine from Seinfeld

Richard Lawson · 08/19/10 10:02AM

This is what the New York Times fashion brigade is saying this morning, anyway. You know how fashion trends repeat themselves every twenty years? Well brace yourselves, because — shudder — we're heading into the '90s. First stop: Elaine.

American Apparel: All News Is Bad News

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 03:54PM

Yesterday came the first real signs that American Apparel could soon face bankruptcy. Today, the news for Dov Charney's breast-covering empire grows darker: a shareholder lawsuit, rumored store closings, a stock that's still plummeting, and disgruntled employees emailing us.