
Fantasy Football Tips for the Extremely Casual Participant

Kelly Conaboy · 08/21/15 01:53PM

“Fantasy Football” can mean a number of things: A game; a football-related fantasy; your dream football. If this fall it means, for you, “a game,” even though you don’t know too much about football and aren’t sure why you agreed to participate in the fantasy version, I have a few tips.

This Is Bound To Be Somebody's Fantasy, Right?

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/28/08 06:00PM

On the set of the popular ABC series Ugly Betty, Lindsay Lohan ushered in the next big fad in celebrity fashion: cheerleader outfits. Taking a page out of Heroes star Hayden Panettiere's playbook, Lohan ordered the uniform online and it has been a perfect fit ever since. Lohan said, "People are always on my case about my leggings or not wearing a bra. With this uniform, who's going to bust my shit? It's wholesome. It reminds everybody how awesome their high school experience was. And if you're bored at work, you can cut out my photo and turn me into your fantasy football team's mascot." Lohan explained that she did not want to be any one's scapegoat if their fantasy team lays an egg this season. Lohan added, "It's not my fault that you went with Reggie Bush instead of someone dependable like a Marion Barber."

Uncomfortably Close With Jeremy Piven

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/13/08 02:40PM

Jeremy Piven was all smiles as he left popular Los Angeles steak house STK on Tuesday night. Piven told the lens men he had a delicious steak dinner and was thrilled about Michael Phelps' domination in the summer Olympics. One of the paparazzi wasn't sure if Piven's smile was genuine and asked the Entourage star about his fantasy football team. Piven with a large smile said, "Aaron Rodgers for the win!" then disappeared into the darkness of the Hollywood Hills.