
Breaking Report Confirms AWOL Child Star 'Mama Dakota' is Safe, Still Working

STV · 03/25/08 04:53PM

Having done our homework about dedicated Hollywood recluses over the last few days, we can assert with 100 percent certainty that despite her disappearance after the Park City clusterfuck that was Hounddog, Dakota Fanning is no John Hughes or Terrence Malick. Nevertheless, while this somewhat frightening video passed along by MTV (with its insistent English narrator positing: "Was she scared off by the negative press for Hounddog, or did she simply run and hide because she hit that awkward pubescent stage? Because it seems like all the little girl roles lately have been filled by others!") helps allay our worst DakotAWOL fears, what replaces them is perhaps eerier than any exile we could have imagined.

mark · 01/18/08 01:25PM

Great news for all FanningWatchers disappointed in preternaturally talented teen megastar Dakota's meager cinematic output of the past year: the Sundance debut of little sister Elle's Phoebe in Wonderland could spark a return to Hollywood prominence for the clan. And: the movie's completely rape-free, demonstrating that the family's handlers learned their lesson about pushing their earners towards too-mature material from the fallout accompanying the Sundance screenings of Dakota's noble-intentioned, but poorly received, molestation-preparedness film, Hounddog. [LAT Live From Park City]