The Islamists Are Going After Fake Newspapers Now
John Cook · 11/02/11 10:40AMSarah Palin™ Doesn't Trust Egypt's Protesters
Jeff Neumann · 02/06/11 10:20AMArmy Veteran Hoped to Start War Between Christians and Muslims, Assassinate Obama
Remy Stern · 09/23/10 05:24PMEnvironmental Nazi Sheryl Crow Has Gone Too Far
Brian Moylan · 08/13/10 01:19PMGloat Like a Butterfly
Brian Moylan · 06/15/10 06:01PMRabid World Cup Fans Show National Pride, General Insanity
Brian Moylan · 06/11/10 05:01PMIn True Psycho Fashion, Phillip Garrido Had Blog, Heard God
Andrew Belonsky · 08/27/09 10:12PMMuslim Fanatics Need A New Hobby
Hamilton Nolan · 02/12/08 12:29PM
Seems that some of those humorous-from-afar fanatics are still upset about those Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that caused all that fuss two years ago; police just arrested three people for plotting to kill one of the cartoonists involved. One tragedy has been averted, but it's too late to save the greatest casualty of the cartoons: Harry Siegel's brief and undistinguished New York Press editorship. So much hassle for some mediocre drawings that are all over the Internet, anyways. Stop the violence! Full image of the notorious newspaper page after the jump