
It's Officially Tokio Hotel Day on Gawker

Richard Lawson · 02/19/08 04:27PM

OMG, lucky New York Post reporter Danica Lo got to talk to German band (and newest object of my hatred/morbid obsession) Tokio Hotel today. The musical rock and roll group, which is über-popular already in Europe, is doing a small US tour, hoping to raise their profile over here. Though, judging from the crowd outside the Fillmore East, I'm not sure they need it. Be-makeup-ed and rhinestoned teenage girls abound. Rearrange a few decades here and there, and all of them could be me. Or YOU. Sob. Here's the interview. Their "Ready, Set, Go" video is after the jump.

Dream Bands

Richard Lawson · 02/19/08 12:10PM

My latest bizarre fascination/sign of end times, German band Tokio Hotel, is in New York City, RIGHT. NOW. They played a show at the Fillmore East last night, and will play another tonight. If you're curious to meet old LolCait, I'll probably be waiting outside the stage door in baggy raver pants, holding a Hello Kitty lunchbox. Like the teenagers are doing now. Oh, and I'll probably have a gun, too. [TONY]

Madonna's Little Circus

Richard Lawson · 02/15/08 10:04AM

Filth & Wisdom, Madonna's debut as a film director, recently premiered at the Berlin Film Festival. The reviews have actually been not that bad, and the singer is, in her own words, "Chuffed, as they say!" Madonna is really one of my favorite British people. The bizarre, off-putting Gypsy punk Eugene Hutz is the star of the film, which, to quote Madge again, "is about two things: the duality of life and it's also about the struggle with that duality." Watch a video here of Madonna, looking exhausted and vaguely sad, talking about the film. Hutz, who seems to have just wandered out of a Brecht play, pops up too, playing a little ditty of revolution. (Also note that one of the related clips is, ominously, from the Russian silent film about people dying, Battleship Potemkin. Mental!) After the jump, a clip from Madonna's most recent film disaster, Swept Away.

Teh Classics

Richard Lawson · 02/06/08 09:44AM

The new Heidi Montag song and video "Higher" has just premiered on iTunes and Montag and her scheming, bulbous boyfriend Spencer Pratt (both from MTV's The Hills) went on Perez TV to chat about it. Spencer says: "The quality of music and the music video have never been seen before." That's what they said of Baby Mozart as well! Well, except for the video part! [Perez Hilton]