
More On Ann Brashares's "Bargain" Mansion

Emily Gould · 01/04/07 02:30PM

Still curious about duplicitous YA "author" Ann Brashares's ill-gotten carriage house? To recap, Ann demurred gracefully when asked how much she and her husband had shelled out, though she downplayed the expense to the Times: "it had no living quarters at all, which is why it was a bargain, the couple said." We guess her definition of a "bargain" is a little tiny bit different than ours, though — an intrepider than usual tipster dug up the deed, which shows that the house cost $3.65 million (this before Ann and hubby untertook the $500/square foot renovation). Okay, okay, we get it: crime pays, cheaters always prosper. But we're still looking for further illumination on the whole "is her painter husband actually Jewily-hot?" issue. Advise?

Earlier: Ann Brashares Flaunts Her Ill-Gotten Gains

Ann Brashares Flaunts Her Ill-Gotten Gains

Emily Gould · 01/04/07 12:30PM

We were ogling the photos of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants author Ann Brashares's impeccably renovated four-story carriage house in today's Home section, which filled us with the same predictable envy and incredulity we feel every time anyone suggests that writing can eventually lead to fiscal solvency. However did Anne come up with the idea for the bestselling series that eventually netted her a 25X25 kitchen, we wondered? We seemed to remember hearing something about that once. Let's see — according to the Times,