
Remainders: An Intimate Look at Colin Farrell

Jessica · 01/10/06 05:50PM

• Only because we have to: Colin Farrell's sex tape. Enjoy, if that's your thing. And it probably is, considering it's someone worth seeing naked. The site has only been working intermittently, so you can use your imagination with this artfully cropped screen shot. [DirtyColin]
• While New York begs us all to remember that they were on the scent of JT Leroy's scam long before Warren St. John and the Times, let's all remember that the Village Voice was on this one, oh, four years ago. [VV]
• Let the mockery begin: "What I Plan to Embellish for Obvious Dramatic Reasons in My Own Forthcoming Memoir." [Minor Tweaks]
• You never forget your first Goatse. [Flickr via EdRants]
• Anderson Cooper undergoes an emotional investigation into the emotional work of Anderson Cooper. [Slate]
• Thanks to the expanding laws of the universe, mass quantities of douchenuggets are now able to enjoy simultaneously looking like a Gotti. [Sherdog]
• Breaking: Avril Lavigne is a LADY! [PITNB]

Every Day Is Fake Writer Day: JT Leroy Revealed to Also Be David Kamp

Jessica · 01/10/06 12:54PM

At Half King last night, luminaries of the magazine world came together for a reading of selections from The Best American Magazine Writing 2005. Vanity Fair's David Kamp was there to read "American Communion," his piece for VF on the relationship between Def Jam's Rick Rubin and the late Johnny Cash. After he was introduced, he walked up to the podium and said, "Hi, everyone, I'm JT Leroy."

Remainders: January 9 Shall Forever Be Known as Fake Writer Day

Jessica · 01/09/06 06:00PM

• On Fake Writer Day, it's not just about the fake writers. Blogger Claire Zulkey, who has interviewed both JT Leroy and James Frey for her blog, crumbles to the floor and realizes her blogging ethics have suffered at the hands of these evil, literary minstrels. [Zulkey]
• We've no idea what sort of club would call itself V.I.P. room and then use Tara Reid as its spokeswhore, but her malformed side-boob defeats any notions of the venue's V or I. [Hollywood Tuna]
• Lindsay Lohan and Leonardo DiCaprio are 88% compatible. You have a 6% chance, however, of giving a shit. [Jossip]
• Star Jones would appreciate it if you didn't post on her blogs in all caps. It gives hubby Al a headache, you know. [Just Jared]
• We've no complaints regarding the calculated pimping of Anderson Cooper, other than that we'd like to see more jackets in the ads. Why not a bomber jacket? Perhaps a khaki trench? The puffy coat, while warm, just isn't flattering. [B&C] • As for this morning's Blind Item Guessing Game, you all were more silent than a scared altar boy. We're not sure how to punish you for playing poorly, but it'll likely involve force-feeding you complex carbohydrates.

At 'New York,' Fake Writer Day Came Early

Jesse · 01/09/06 05:58PM

Amid all the excitement about Warren St. John's positive identification in today's Times of the (female) actor who's been playing "JT Leroy," and the concomitant final proof that "Leroy" is almost certainly the creation of San Francisco couple Laura Albert and Geoffery Knoop, New York magazine doesn't want you to forget its writer said it, too. And months ago. (Except, you know, without identifying the person who appears as "Leroy" in public, or being willing to remove a lot of likelys and probablys from the expose.)

Fake Writer Day: Ira Silverberg on JT Leroy

Jessica · 01/09/06 04:05PM

Earlier today, it was revealed that ambiguous literary wunderkind JT Leroy, who claims to be an AIDS-stricken truck-stop hooker turned literary star, was really a fabrication of Laura Albert and Geoffrey Knoop and played, in public, by Knoop's half-sister Savannah. In an email sent to Galleycat, JT Leroy's book agent, Ira Silverberg, comments on being completely duped into believing his client:

Happy Fake Writer Day, James Frey

Jessica · 01/09/06 11:34AM

Because today is Fake Writer Day, best-selling author James Frey is, alas, not all he claims to be. While we have no doubt that, as chronicled in his Oprah-approved rehab memoir A Million Little Pieces, he was chugging 5 O'Clock, smoking rock, snorting half of Colombia and popping pills of shit we've never heard of, the Smoking Gun reports that Frey was never quite the bad-ass Criminal he claims to have been.

Happy Fake Writer Day, JT Leroy

Jessica · 01/09/06 09:37AM

In case your short-term memory is as fried as ours, an October article in New York suggested (perhaps more loudly so than previous suggestions from other outlets) that successful young author JT Leroy — the former West Virginia truck-stop hooker with a history in the San Francisco drug scene and a solid case of AIDS — didn't exactly exist. Leroy, the piece maintained, was merely a fabrication of Laura Albert and Geoffery Knoop, the couple who are said to have rescued Leroy from his tragic life and helped him to become a "brilliant" dark writer.