
Is Katie Holmes' Severe New Bob A Stealthy Way To Extricate Herself From Her Marriage To Tom Cruise?

Molly Friedman · 07/21/08 03:00PM

In light of some breaking hair-related news involving future fugitive Katie Holmes, we must admit that we’ve underestimated the Scientology prisoner. As the Daily Mail reported over the weekend, Broadway’s least-alluring celebrity rookie recently chopped off even more of her already chin-grazing bob, and even dared to pull out those hair curlers in what could be the beginning move in a new strategy to finally flee the Knights of Hubbard. Though Kate’s "boyish" cut may backfire, it’s a clever plan nonetheless. Below, we provide five of the best examples of drastic 'do-caused catastrophes directly linked to highly publicized breakups, from Jennifer Aniston’s self-conscious bob that led to Brangelina, to Cameron Diaz’s unfortunate goth dye job that failed to inspire any future sex or love sounds from Justin Timberlake:

For Your Consideration: Sienna Miller's Naked 'Factory Girl' Moments

mark · 01/12/07 11:12AM

Since we know that most Oscar voters (at least the ones who don't delegate their responsibilities to their undocumented domestics) are probably scrambling to squeeze in some last minute DVD screeners before their nominations ballots are due tomorrow afternoon, we thought we'd help them more efficiently utilize their precious time by pointing them to these three moments from Sienna Miller's Factory Girl performance, tied together thematically by the actress's unselfconscious nudity, which potentially could free harried Academy members from having to watch the entire film. While the third clip, featuring a strung-out, naked Miller showing off her acting chops is the clear Oscar contender of the group, we prefer the one of her love scene with Hayden Christensen, in which the unshowy, Skinemax-inspired editing truly spotlights her generosity as a performer. Take some time to watch these highlights before hastily filling out those ballots with easy choices like Helen Mirren's nevernude queen; it's what Harvey Weinstein would want you to do.

Bob Dylan Understandably Pissed About Hayden Christensen's Version Of Himself In 'Factory Girl'

seth · 12/14/06 02:25PM

It seems Factory Girl, the Edie Sedgwick biopic Harvey Weinstein promised us would establish Sienna Miller as a Major Actress, instead of just "that chick who's all pissed and shit about Jude Law banging his nanny," is well on its way to laying claim to the title of Hollywood's Doomed Production of 2006. As additional scenes are being shot, presumably to tighten the narrative while making it stink less than the trailer suggests it currently does, now comes news that Bob Dylan has unleashed his gang of scary lawyers on Girl producer Bob Yari—himself no stranger to the art of the threatening legal missive—over what they are claiming to be the film's thinly veiled characterization of the singer, played by Hayden Christensen: