
Zuckerberg Releases Statement Calling PRISM Charges "Outrageous"

Cord Jefferson · 06/07/13 07:57PM

Mark Zuckerberg took to his personal Facebook account today to address charges that his company has cooperated with a secret NSA program called PRISM that monitors private citizens' internet activities. Zuckerberg called the press reports about PRISM "outrageous," and said Facebook has never given the U.S. government direct access to its servers (though, as Buzzfeed's John Herrman notes, "a lack of 'direct access' does not preclude the type of sweeping surveillance described in the leaks").

Kate Bennert · 05/23/13 05:20PM

According to Twitter, a video of a "woman squeezing a balloon out of her vagina" has been infiltrating Facebook newsfeeds. Have you seen this video? If so, I have a few questions.

Teens Flee Facebook Citing "Too Much Drama," Mostly Caused by Allie M.

Caity Weaver · 05/21/13 06:12PM

Facebook is quickly becoming a spooky graveyard, bereft of teens, populated by only a few try-hard adults and a pile of old elephant bones according to a new study from the Pew Research Center. There’s also a lot of drama there. Specifically: too much drama.

Adrian Chen · 05/01/13 02:54PM

Facebook has rejected an ad criticizing FWD.us, Mark Zuckerberg's creepy political group, because it used Zuckerberg's face.

Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Tap Your Face and Throw it Away

Kate Bennert · 04/04/13 02:12PM

Today Facebook announced their new "not a Facebook phone"-Facebook-phone "Facebook Home" which is basically a phone where all you can do is look at Facebook. "This is a phone," announced a sweaty, mumbly Mark Zukerberg, "that is centered around people not apps." By which he actually means: "this is a phone which enables you to treat your human friends like aps."

'There's a Special Place in Hell for You,' Sandberg Publicist Messages to Harsh Lean In Reviewer

Max Read · 03/27/13 04:22PM

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's new book, Lean In—a kind of workplace feminism manifesto—has inspired a range of reactions from critics. Some were positive; some less so. But none was as negative as the response Sandberg spokeswoman and former Facebook flack Brandee Barker had for Katherine Losse, an erstwhile Zuckerberg speechwriter whose rigorously critical take on Sandberg's book was published in Dissent this week:

Winklevoss Twins Want to Move On From Fact They Owe Entire Existence to Getting Hosed By Mark Zuckerberg

Adrian Chen · 03/25/13 11:48AM

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss are the two identical twins from whom Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook while they were all students at Harvard, in order to get rich and have sex with women, as depicted in the 100% true documentary The Social Network. The only reason anyone has heard of the Winklevii is because of their constant whinging and carrying on and winning multimillion dollar settlements over Mark Zuckerberg's betrayal. But now they would like to move on from their storied role as the world's most successful losers.