
Fashion Week: The Circus Descends

cityfile · 09/05/08 03:00PM
  • The inimitable Fug Girls were at Yigal Azrouël today and saw Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann (not sweating in leather pants, enthusiastically posing for a photographer), Miss J Alexander and Nigel Barker (chatting front row), Cory Kennedy (bored, disheveled), Alexis Bryan Morgan (still pregnant), Fabiola Beracasa (front row next to Katie Lee Joel), Nina Garcia (talking to reporters), and Kelly Cutrone (looking better in person than on TV). [The Cut]

The Dreaded S-Word

cityfile · 09/05/08 12:31PM

It's not so cool being a socialite, according to this Reuters article, which observes that women like Tinsley Mortimer and Fabiola Beracasa would rather be known as "designers" or "social activists" than by the S-word, which conjures up images of Paris Hilton. How this constitutes news isn't clear, although it follows a piece by William Norwich in this month's Vogue (not online, summary here) in which Lauren Remington Platt says she doesn't go out anymore (we're guessing last weekend was an exception?) and Maggie Betts blames the decline of the socialite on the economy and overexposure from the Internet. (It's probably worth noting that it was Maggie's dad who did more than anybody to insure George Bush got elected, so if she's looking for people to blame for the recession, well, she knows who to talk to.) But the worst thing about the Reuters piece? It lumps Tinsley and Fabiola in the same category as Devorah Rose, which may very well have sent the Tinz into a tizzy this morning.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 06/24/08 09:01AM

Socialite Fabiola Beracasa turns 33 today, a fact she'd undoubtedly rather not be reminded of. (Just do your best to age gracefully, Fab; your mom, Veronica, should not be your role model.) Also celebrating: Petra Nemcova turns 29, the number she'll probably be sticking to for many years to come. Former Governor George Pataki is 63. Newspaper editor and author Pete Hamill is 73. Beyonce's little sister, Solange, turns 22. Actress Sherry Stringfield is 41. And avant-garde dessert maestro Will Goldfarb will be 33 today.

The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 06/24/08 02:34AM

1) Rory and Elie Tahari hosted a bash at their beachfront house for God's Love We Deliver: 400 guests including Simon Doonan (above center) and Jonathan Adler, Martha Stewart, Arnold Scaasi, Kelly Klein, Debbie Bancroft, Richard Mishaan, Tory Burch, Kyle MacLachlan (above left) and Desiree Gruber (above right), Olivia Chantecaille, Dennis Basso, Melissa Berkelhammer, Gigi Mortimer, Karen Pearl, and Tiffany Dubin raised $1.3 million by bidding on auction prizes including lunch with Blaine Trump and Joan Rivers at Le Cirque. [Hamptons.com/Dan's Hamptons]

The Week In Parties

cityfile · 06/20/08 04:20PM

1) At the Harold Pratt House, the New Yorkers For Children Fall Gala was previewed with a Tuesday night gathering of Campion Platt, Andre Leon Talley, Jeffrey Kalinsky, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Dayssi Olarte De Kanavos, Douglas Hannant, Kate Schelter, Katie Lee Joel, Derek Blasberg, Debbie Bancroft, Joy Bryant, Daniel Benedict and Andrew Saffir, Annelise Peterson, Jamee Gregory, Fern Mallis, Jennifer Creel, Fabiola Beracasa, Oscar De La Renta, Thakoon Panichgul, Tom Florio, Zac Posen, Zani Gugelmann, Lauren Santo Domingo, Phillip Lim, Heather Mnuchin, and Peter Som. [Guest of a Guest]

Fabiola, Girl Reporter

cityfile · 06/05/08 02:23PM

Have you been watching Fabiola Beracasa's video reportage series at New York? No? Well, you haven't lived: Our intrepid roving investigator has been filmed getting her hair done, venturing backstage at fashion shows, and braving a party crowd at Cipriani! According to Park Avenue Peerage, the hard-hitting segments have been "noticed" by major networks, so watch out Christiane Amanpour! This week Fabi also breaks into print journalism with an article in Gotham, in which she extolls the wonders of the Fendi baguette. Don't read it if you're easily upset, however—at a benefit auction in LA, the poor dear fell in love with a one-of-a-kind Jeff Koons-designed purse, but was outbid! We can only hope it went to a decent home.

Jared Kushner, Fabiola Beracasa And Ivanka Trump

Joshua Stein · 10/25/07 11:15AM

Seen here, from the Fox Business launch party at the Met last night: 1. Jason Beckman, Fabiola Beracasa's banker boy. Currently missing in action. 2. Fabiola Beracasa, socialite freshly back from Beijing. ("I could feel the oppression!") 3. New York Observer majority owner and bridge and tunnel real estate mogul Jared Kushner, desperately trying to escape being photographed with his girlfriend who is: 4. Ivanka Trump, here coquettishly looking away as to not be photographed publicly with her boyfriend, Jared Kushner. (She has such good hair!) Why they were there: Fabiola's mom, Veronica Hearst, is good friends with Rupert Murdoch; Mr. Murdoch dined chez la famille Beracasa last week. Mr. Kushner is a newer Murdoch friend, though does enjoy spending time on the big Murdoch boat. Related: Kushner is a huge Counting Crows fan! Rain King is one of his favorite songs.

Who's Pulling James Kurisunkal's Strings?

Emily Gould · 09/18/07 02:10PM

There's long been speculation that University of Illinois student and New York mag intern James Kurisunkal is getting some kind of outside help with his socialite website Park Avenue Peerage—speculation that James has always flatly denied. Lately, though, the suspicions have been renewed!

Who Really Wants To Save Darfur?

Joshua Stein · 08/15/07 02:42PM

Like AIDS before it, Darfur has become the shibboleth one clueless celebrity whispers to another to assure themselves that they aren't shallow and callous. With the exception of a scarce few (Mrs. Brad Pitt, for instance), these blithe young things have no idea of what they speak. But does it matter? The argument could be made, as it was last night at the Rip the Runway for Darfur event hosted by Lydia Hearst, that that doesn't matter. The words of celebrities, no less than their unshaven nether parts, carry a dizzying gravitas: If Lydia Hearst says "Save Darfur," the hope is it will trickle down until some slavering acolyte Googles the word. (Darfir? Darfer?) Call it a Reagonomics of good will. But last night, Lydia Hearst was "sick" and didn't show. Neither did other expected guests like socialites Tinsley Mortimer, Fabiola Beracasa nor Olivia Palermo. Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic and I were left to document Bertolli-shill Rocco DiSpirito, Hofstra senior and publicistgay Micah Jesse and an international debutante named Laura Dubois as they drank free Level vodka.

Fabiola Beracasa Is A Breathless And Important Whirlwind

abalk · 06/19/07 02:05PM

As rich-people chronicler Robert Frank points out, being a socialite is now a full-time job. So much to do, so many places to be, so many kisses to air. Take, for example, Fabiola Beracasa. She's up at the ungodly hour of 7:30, and not a scant fifteen minutes later she's out running with her trainer. And then the real work begins. But how does she unwind?

Annelise Peterson To Take Down Tinz, Fabiola

Emily · 04/27/07 12:39PM

Annelise Peterson, Glamour's newly-appointed Special Correspondent For Socialite PR Stunts Taking Place In Turks & Caicos To Somehow Benefit Charity, has posted another dispatch! Several, in fact. The first Princess Race challenge involved kayaking, and the winners would receive a Cartier watch. Annelise's first obstacle was staying sober the night before the competition: "A few Prince Charmings on the sandy beach invited us to a night on the Caicos town; a hot party at Bamboo! But, whoa is me. My alarm will be ringing at 6 am and I must fight for kingdom Valentino and find victory." She's serious about winning! In the water, though, Annelise and her partner Triana struggled—"We were getting our tooshies beet [sic] by two Austrian women and I can't figure out my right from my left!"—but ultimately prevailed, coming in second place. And then, we learned why Annelise is so driven. "Let's see how well Tinsley and Fabiola do. In reality, that's the only team I'm interested in taking down. I already have a Cartier." Whoa is we.

Derek Blasberg Pretends He Isn't BFF With The Tinz

Doree Shafrir · 02/12/07 03:54PM

Oh, Derek Blasberg. When you rip off a story about socialites with businesses from the NYT for your column in the London Times, could you at least have the dignity to acknowledge that you're pretty much best friends with all of the people you're writing about? Like, when you're writing about how Tinsley Mortimer will only be interviewed via e-mail ("like other celebrities, she is reluctant to be interviewed be face to face"), we might believe you if you weren't photographed all the time with her. On her lap! With her on your lap!

'Radar' To Continue Riding the Tinsley Mortimer Train

Doree Shafrir · 02/09/07 02:12PM

Socialite Fabiola Beracasa could not be more thrilled that Maer Roshan has asked her and her good friend Tinsley Mortimer to host the Radar re-re-launch party on Feb. 21! We would've thought by this point Radar would've grown tired of Tinz—she has been rather over-exposed lately—but apparently not, as Beracasa reports on her Fashion Week blog on NYM:

Fabiola Beracasa Loves BCBG, Derek Blasberg, Exclamation Points

Doree Shafrir · 02/05/07 04:50PM

We are so excited that New York magazine picked Fabiola Beracasa as one of their extra-special celebrity bloggers for Fashion Week! She is so knowledgeable about fashion! And she knows everyone!!!!! Let's take a peek at her first entry:

Fabiola Beracasa Quotes an Expert: Herself

Emily Gould · 11/29/06 11:50AM

Socialtwat Fabiola Beracasa, who goes out all the time to raise the profile of — sorry, what 'job' does she pretend to do again? — is quoted in today's NYO investigation of who's behind Socialite Rank (ever, ever so much more on that later) about what, in her informed opinion, keeps the eyes of the world so riveted to the antics of rich idiots like herself: