
Emily Gould · 10/05/07 10:23AM

"[BusinessWeek media columnist] Jon Fine is thinking he'd be truly impressed by the severity of his headache if he weren't living inside it. It's [his wife, Mediabistro lady] Laurel [Touby]'s fault for throwing such an awesome party." Oh we are sure it was bitchin'! Omg you were like soooo wasted dude!

What Kind Of Facebook Status Update Loser Are You?

Emily Gould · 10/01/07 04:10PM

"Hey, people are talking about that terrible, morally reprehensible thing you wrote about Neal Pollack's four-year-old in their Facebook status updates," I told Josh last Friday. "Wow, cultural relevance!" he said. "Yes, that is how we're measuring that these days," I told him. It was funny (or not) because it's kind of true! The person who'd updated her status to defend Pollack—"[Person] is wondering why it's acceptable to pick on small children on gossip websites"—later changed her status to "[Person] is going to write more 'blind item' status updates so more people will post on her wall," and we can see why—she netted 6 new friends from the whole deal! So that's one kind of Facebook status update: The blind item. What are the other kinds?