
The Do's and Don'ts of Skinny Dipping: An Etiquette Guide

Caity Weaver · 08/20/12 03:03PM

As August winds down, many of us will be pressured—by our closest friends, whom we have known since childhood, by beautiful crushes, whose tanned skin glows dusky bronze in the moonlight, by drunk assholes whom we don't know that well—to kiss summer goodbye with a skinny dipping romp.

How Paul Ryan Will Screw You

Max Read · 08/13/12 02:40PM

This past weekend, Mitt Romney named Republican congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, leading everyone to wonder: how will this asshole screw me, personally, if he is elected vice-president in November? Luckily for you, we have answers.

What Honey Boo Boo Child Is and Why You Should Care: A Guide to Reality TV's Trashiest Sensation

Rich Juzwiak · 08/09/12 12:30PM

Last night, TLC premiered its first Toddlers & Tiaras spin-off, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. It is a show that reinforces what its source has been trying to tell us all along: the families of those who enter their children into beauty pageants are way more fascinating than the pageants themselves. The show's resulting viral noise has been astounding. You know a piece of pop culture is onto something when many agree that is that it's signaling the fall of civilization. Not since Jersey Shore's debut have the pearls been clutched so ardently, the eyes fixed so steadily.

The Know-Nothing's Guide to Pussy Riot, the Realest Punks Alive

Max Read · 08/02/12 11:42AM

After enduring five months of delays and attracting worldwide attention, the Pussy Riot trial finally began in Moscow this week. But what is Pussy Riot? Why is it on trial? What is Moscow? All your questions will be answered here.

Your Guide to the Derecho, the Storm That Might Destroy New York City Tonight

Max Read · 07/26/12 05:15PM

Do you like New York City? Or, really, anywhere between Ohio and Connecticut? Because, haha, it might not exist tomorrow. There's a "potential for a widespread damaging wind event/derecho" tonight — and risk of tornadoes around New York City. But what even is a "derecho"? And how can you protect yourself from it?

Exorcists, Empty Suits, and Granny Starvers: The Gawker Guide to Mitt Romney's VP Picks

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/19/12 10:10AM

The last week must have thrilled anybody playing Romney VP bingo. Rumors suggested Romney would pick Condoleezza Rice. Rice has never run for—nor expressed interest in—elected office, probably couldn't siphon "the black vote" away from Carlton on Fresh Prince, and her candidacy's soundtrack would be Block Rockin' Briefs '01: Bin Laden Determined to Attack U.S. This week the VP rumor was about Tim Pawlenty, who is boring.

The Non-Nerd's Guide to the God Particle, the Holy Grail of Particle Physics

Max Read · 07/06/12 01:00PM

It's barbecue season, and you need to sound smart while drinking beer around your charred meat. But how will you discuss the most important scientific news of the year — and maybe of the decade — if you don't know anything about it? It's okay. We're here to explain what "the God Particle" is, and whether or not the Europeans found it.

What You Need to Know About ALEC, the Creepy Right-Wing Group Behind Stand Your Ground

Max Read · 04/19/12 10:05AM

ALEC is dead. Long live ALEC. Yesterday, the American Legislative Exchange Council — a national clearinghouse of pre-written right-wing bills, helpfully provided to conservative state legislators too dumb to come up with their own ideas — announced that it was abandoning the task force that pushed voter-surpression bills and "Stand Your Ground" laws like the one that led Sanford Police to free George Zimmerman the night he killed Trayvon Martin. "We are eliminating the ALEC Public Safety and Elections task force that dealt with non-economic issues," the group's statement said, "and reinvesting these resources in the task forces that focus on the economy."

Seriously, What Are The Hunger Games and Why Should I Care if I'm Not 14?

Leah Beckmann · 03/21/12 09:00AM

Hunger Games mania is upon us. The Young Adult trilogy-turned-blockbuster is due out this weekend, and some of you out there still have no idea what these crazy Food Games are all about. Fear not, as we have compiled a detailed Hunger Games explainer, just in time for G-day. Be you screaming tween, good-sporting parent, or disgruntled old timer, this explainer will guide you as we as a nation prepare for the newest (and unavoidable) pop-culture phenom.

Your Hunger Games Glossary

Leah Beckmann · 03/21/12 08:42AM

Arena: A vast outdoor arena rigged with Panem's high-tech TV cameras as well as traps and challenges to test the tributes fighting each other to the death in the Hunger Games. An arena may contain anything from "a burning desert to a frozen wasteland." After the Hunger Games, the arenas become popular tourist destinations for Capitol citizens.

How You Should Feel About Kony 2012, the Campaign That's Taking Over the Internet: A Guide

Max Read · 03/08/12 03:06PM

If you have been on the internet in the last 48 hours (you have), you've probably heard something about "Kony 2012," a new campaign aimed at raising awareness of Ugandan guerilla leader and war criminal Joseph Kony. And if you're anything like me, you've probably avoided thinking about it too much. But the time has come to form an opinion. And we're here to help. Below, all the opinions it's possible to have about Joseph Kony and Invisible Children's campaign to stop him.