
Anthony Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant

John Cook · 06/08/11 04:12PM

Here's why Huma Abedin, the digitally cuckolded wife of Anthony Weiner, has kept a low profile in the wake of her husband's humiliation and quietly signaled that their marriage will survive: She's in a family way.

Target vs. Unions: An Inside Look

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/11 12:49PM

Yesterday, we learned that friendly red-hued big box retailer Target is now the "target," ha, of a union campaign here in New York. Goodbye, Target's reputation as a place that liberals who don't like Wal-Mart can shop without guilt! But just how anti-union is Target? According to former Target employees: very.

The Spy Who Bilked Me: Meet Bush's War Profiteering Chief Bin Laden Hunter

Penn Bullock and Brandon K. Thorp · 05/19/11 03:32PM

You've probably never heard of Marty Martin. He spent most of his life as an anonymous CIA operative. But he very recently came out of the closet as the man Bush put in charge of finding Osama bin Laden in the aftermath of 9/11, and guess what? It turns out the man Bush put in charge of finding bin Laden is an extremely shady and allegedly corrupt war profiteer. Who would have thought?

Gene Simmons on His Anonymous Foes

Adrian Chen · 05/15/11 03:05PM

After the online vigilante group Anonymous attacked his websites last October, KISS bassist Gene Simmons promised to hunt the perpetrators down and "sue their pants off." In an interview this week he struck a much softer tone.

Roger Ailes Continues to Ruin His Adopted Home

John Cook · 05/10/11 03:41PM

The effort by Fox News chief Roger Ailes and his wife, Elizabeth, to transform their bucolic weekend retreat in upstate New York into the sort of paranoid swamp they're more at home in continues apace: Spy on reporters for the charming small-town newspapers they own? Check. Compulsively call the local cops because you're convinced people are out to get you? Check. Start physical confrontations with the aging owner of a competing tiny newspaper and threaten to sue him? Check.

The Feuding Facebook Mansions of Palo Alto

Ryan Tate · 05/09/11 02:55PM

They're both new to the neighborhood, and they hate each other. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and former deputy Owen Van Natta are apparently moving into the same opulent corner of Palo Alto, California. But Van Natta scored the posher pad.

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Can't Stop Calling the Cops

John Cook · 04/29/11 01:24PM

Fox News chief Roger Ailes and his wife Elizabeth must get spooked a lot in their weekend home in rural Putnam Valley, N.Y., because they call 911 a lot. During one 30-day period last summer, police cars were dispatched to their address six times.

Mort Zuckerman vs. the Daily News: An Owner Adrift

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 03:40PM

Last July, New York Daily News editor Martin Dunn abruptly left the paper due to his wife's illness. Kevin Convey, who'd been working as editor of the Boston Herald, was named his replacement. But now, we hear, unsatisfied NYDN owner Mort Zuckerman may already be poking around for Convey's successor.

More Pentagon Papers Donald Rumsfeld Doesn't Want You to See

John Cook · 04/11/11 12:30PM

In July 2004, as the Iraq War spiraled out of control, Donald Rumsfeld ordered a staffer to draw up a "What Did Not Happen?" memo—a list of potential bad outcomes that had been avoided—to make himself feel better. Things could be worse, right?

How the Weirdos Behind 'To Catch a Predator' Blew $1.2 Million

John Cook · 04/07/11 12:06PM

Remember 'To Catch a Predator,' the awful festival of horror and shame from Dateline NBC that briefly captured America's heart in the mid-aughts? We thought we'd check in with the creepy internet vigilantes behind it, and guess what? They're broke.

CBS News Washington Bureau Chief Was an FBI Snitch

John Cook · 04/05/11 02:08PM

The Center for Public Integrity is reporting that an unnamed former ABC News journalist was an FBI informant during and after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, passing along tips and revealing a source. We know who it is.