
Michael Kors Exec Buys on UES

cityfile · 09/09/08 08:52AM
  • Anne Waterman, SVP and fashion director at Michael Kors, has purchased a third-floor apartment at 130 East 67th Street for $1.6 million. The two-bedroom co-op features two fireplaces and a walk-in closet. [Cityfile]

Greg Garcia Responds to Baldwin: 'I'm Not a Scientologist.'

ian spiegelman · 09/06/08 03:05PM

The latest salvo in the ongoing battle between 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin and My Name is Earl creator Greg Garcia is being waged right here on Gawker. Garcia sent us his response to Baldwin's early morning swipe, in which he goofed on Garcia for being a Scientologist. "Alec, I can't tell you how happy I am to once again point out that you are an idiot. I'm unable to answer your question about Scientologists because, although I respect anyone's right to their own beliefs, I am not currently nor have I ever been a Scientologist. Maybe you should have done some research that extended past the comments section of Defamer before you crafted your insult."

MySQL founder quits Sun

Paul Boutin · 09/04/08 08:10PM

Click to view"Just heard that Monty gave his resignation to Sun today," a tipster we trust writes about Michael Widenius, the Finnish-born main author of open-source database software MySQL. Sun Microsystems had aqcuired Monty's company, also called MySQL, for a cool billion in January. So who's running the show now? Best guess is Brian Aker, another prominent MySQL developer. Aker released a lightweight, Web 2.0-oriented version of MySQL called Drizzle in late July, but he's still at Sun.

Arden Buys Some Time

cityfile · 09/04/08 11:03AM

You may recall that back in July, social scenester Arden Wohl was arrested in East Hampton after she allegedly stole a few items from the Ralph Lauren outpost in East Hampton and printed words "Ralph Lipshits" [sic] in red lipstick on the exterior of the store. She was given a court date of August 28 to answer for her crimes, which of course was last week. So what happened to the headband-obsessed party-goer and filmmaker? Will she spend the next year in jail, the maximum sentence for such unspeakable acts? The jury is still out, so to speak! We checked in with the Suffolk County district attorney's office, and a spokesperson tells us that the case was adjourned, and another date will be set so that Arden can finally face the music in village court. It's very doubtful she'll have to do any hard time, though; the worst part may be that now the summer season is over, she'll have to make a special trip to the East End later this fall to answer the charges. Now that would be a total pain, wouldn't it?

Condé Nast Exec Buys on 110th Street

cityfile · 09/04/08 07:57AM
  • Tom Wallace, the editorial director of Condé Nast, has paid $2.975 million for a two-bedroom apartment at 610 West 110th Street, the 15-story pre-war that was recently extensively renovated. [Cityfile]

Why Are The Sun's Backers Getting Cold Feet?

cityfile · 09/04/08 07:25AM

Last night, word emerged that The Sun, the right-leaning daily founded by Ira Stoll and Seth Lipsky in 2002, may end up shutting down at the end of the month if the company doesn't find additional investors willing to step in. The Sun has had financial problems since day one and it never made much headway in the circulation department. This time, though, it looks like it could be the end of the line: The paper even posted an account of its problems on its website. (Perhaps in the hope that another super-conservative, Jewish billionaire will turn up with his checkbook.) So why are the Sun's current backers—including Bruce Kovner, Tom Tisch, and Michael Steinhardt, left—giving up? They've got plenty of other stuff to worry about, that's why.

Dick Fuld Has $100 for the Special Olympics

cityfile · 09/02/08 10:31AM

It's been a rough few months for Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld. Many harbor doubts the bank will survive as an independent firm for much longer; clients have been abandoning Lehman in droves; and Fuld has been aggressively trying to raise money, a process that hasn't been easy although he may have found a savior in a Korean bank as of this morning. No matter what the outcome, though, it's clear Fuld's golden reputation has been tarnished. Several of his deputies have been forced out. Last week he announced another round of layoffs that will cut the payroll by 1,500 jobs. So who doesn't dislike Dick at this moment? The beneficiaries of the Kathy and Richard S. Fuld Family Foundation are presumably standing by his side, just as long as he makes good on all the donations he's promised. After the jump, what Fuld did with the $1.8 million he donated to charity for the most recent year publicly available, including the Museum of Modern Art ($379,960) and Middlebury College ($477,500). We're guessing, though, that Lehman doesn't have too many developmentally disabled employees in the mailroom. Fuld's smallest donation? A $100 check to Special Olympics of Connecticut.

Leaked Gossip Girl Script! Sad Young Literary Men

Richard Lawson · 08/28/08 02:13PM

Found at the Gossip Girl studios: a script for what appears to be the fifth episode of the teen soap's highly-anticipated second season. And what do the selected pages reveal? Mostly the tortured (and torturous) relationship between sad young literary man Brooklyn Dan and his crusty old mentor, Noah Shapiro. Amusingly, the Shapiro character is introduced by Jay McInerney, in a cameo role, who was once a sad young New York literary fellow himself. His 1984 novel Bright Lights, Big City was a smash hit about "you" (the novel was written entirely in the second person) young ambitious writerly types in the big bad city. It's all come full circle! Enjoy some scans of the script after the jump.

Karan's Kauses: Yoga, Tibet and Kabbalah

cityfile · 08/27/08 08:42AM

Donna Karan no longer controls the company that bears her name: LVMH purchased the company in 2001 for $643 million, leaving her with an estimated $400 million fortune. She remains the company's creative director, of course, but she also keeps busy with philanthropic work. Last year the Queens-born designer shelled out $2.7 to various causes, including the $1 million to the Spirituality for Kids Foundation, which teaches Kabbalah to kids in schools. (Naturally, Madonna's also a big donor.) A fan of all sorts of new-age fads (she's expressed her fondness for "therapeutic screaming" and past life regressions in the past), Karan also has a soft spot for Tibet. Her Karan Weiss Foundation (which reflects the name of her late husband) contributed $200,000 to The Norbulingka Institute, which is dedicated to preserving Tibetan culture, and $20,000 to the International Tibetan Medical Association. The entire list—including her token $1,000 contribution to Bill Clinton's Global Initiative and the $59,000 she gave to pal Russell Simmons' foundation—after the jump.

KT Tunstall Settles Down in the East Village

cityfile · 08/27/08 08:06AM
  • Grammy-nominated singer KT Tunstall paid $1.575 million for a sixth-floor apartment at 525 East 11th Street. The two-bedroom, two-floor condo also includes a 561-square-foot terrace. [Cityfile]

Mark Kingdon's Trip to the Olympics

cityfile · 08/26/08 12:02PM

Who's that sleeping man, you ask? Why it's Mark Kingdon, founder of the $6 billion hedge fund Kingdon Capital Management, who took home $200 million in pay last year according to Alpha magazine. Kingdon has a rep for his philanthropic work (unlike many of his peers), but you'll be happy to hear that he's spending some of his riches, too. Kingdon, wife Anla, and their two kids Jessica and Jason just got back from a family vacation to Beijing for the Olympics. From the looks of it, it was a rather exhausting vacation for the demi-billionaire and his wife. But just look at the culinary delights they had the opportunity to feast on. Bet you Phil Falcone and Dan Loeb didn't eat that dish for dinner last week! The Kingdon family vacation after the jump.

Joanna Shields Buys, Jim Chanos Closes

cityfile · 08/26/08 07:46AM
  • Joanna Shields, who served as president of Bebo before its acquisition by AOL (and now serves as president of AOL People Networks), picked up a two-bedroom duplex at 31 West 16th for $2.175 million. The 1,700-square-foot apartment features 16-foot ceilings, a suspended wood-and-steel staircase, and an outdoor garden. [Cityfile]

The Movie Crew On Tucker Max: "Prick"

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/08 12:15PM

After Fark.com's Drew Curtis sent us a firsthand account last week of life on the set of I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, the upcoming comedic movie masterpiece written by fratire dude Tucker Max, another crew member followed up with his own list of gripes to us about working under a first-time movie maker who's also one of America's foremost assholes. I enjoy these leaks because-unlike our own in-house appraisals of Tucker's style-they come from people with no real ideological reason to dislike the man. Some people just want to work in peace! After the jump, our tipster's account of Tucker Max-"usually pricks like him are surrounded by pricks," he says, but in this case, "there's just one dick and he's a big one."

Hillary Supporter Files Suit Against Obama

cityfile · 08/22/08 11:42AM

Philip Berg is a political activist, lawyer, and all-round nut. (He is not the same Philip Berg who founded the Kabbalah movement, incidentally, although they're as crazy as each other.) You may have heard Berg's name back in 2001 when he tried to have Supreme Court Justices O'Connor, Scalia and Thomas disbarred for their role in Bush v. Gore. Or when he sought to file murder charges against President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Well, he's back: This time the diehard Hillary Clinton supporter has filed a lawsuit to declare Barack Obama a foreign-born citizen, which would mean he wouldn't be eligible to serve as president. And where does Berg's evidence come from? Wikipedia! So it must be true! The full suit below.

The Deep, Dark Past of Eric Zinterhofer

cityfile · 08/21/08 10:00AM

Eric Zinterhofer seems to have it all, huh? He's a Harvard Business School grad and a partner at Leon Black's famed private equity firm, Apollo Management. More importantly, he's married to Aerin Lauder, the billionaire heiress and daughter of Ron Lauder. But there's one little secret he may not be so quick to share with his friends and co-workers! Behind that sturdy jaw and perfect set of gleaming white teeth lies a man with a criminal past. Okay, so it's actually not all that juicy. Unlike his boss's close associate, Jeffrey Epstein, who is in prison for his dalliances with underage prostitutes, Eric's rap sheet consists of a reckless driving charge in Connecticut. Still, we wouldn't suggest drag racing the speed demon if he pulls up next to you at a red light in East Hampton. He's clearly fearless. Eric's rap sheet after the jump.

Piazza Prepares to Sell in Tribeca

cityfile · 08/21/08 07:16AM

Mike Piazza picked up a $10 million home in Miami recently, but he's still hunting for a new place in New York. According to the Post, Piazza and his wife Alicia are planning to put their Tribeca loft on the market for $6.8 million in September. Piazza picked up the two-bedroom penthouse for $4.1 million in 2004, but now the couple is hoping to expand to a more expansive space. The listing was put on the web briefly earlier this week. It's since been pulled down (and should go back online in the early fall) but we saved the photos for you to look at after the jump.

The Coffee Conflict: Mud v. Muud

cityfile · 08/20/08 07:41AM

Don't mess with the Mud Truck. The coffee outfit that started out of an old Con Ed utility truck in 2001 and has since earned iconic status downtown (and branched out with a café, line of coffee, and location at Kiehl's) has filed suit against Muud, which sells a line of canned coffee beverages. According to the lawsuit filed in federal court last week, Mud first became aware of Muud last December and instructed Muud's parent company, Underground Beverage Brands, and its founder, Matthew Marini, to stop using the confusingly similar brand name. Muud initially agreed to change its name, then asked permission to license the Mud name, and finally tried to give Mud the ol' run-around and trademark the name "Muud." Now the husband and wife team who founded Mud, Greg Northrop and Nina Kay Berott, have fired back. They're suing Muud for trademark infringement and unfair competition (among other things), and have asked the court to force Muud to turn over any profits from their line as well as hand over damages. (This isn't the first time they've had to deal with brand confusion; late last year, a "Love Truck" made brief appearances around town.) After the jump, the entirety of Mud's case against Muud.

The Story Of The Pooping Intern

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/08 11:04AM

Last week we floated an absolutely delicious rumor-the sort of inside media gossip that we hope to be known for when future generations are considering our legacy. Specifically, it was the story of the crazy pooping intern. A summer intern at one of the networks, we heard, went on an on-the-job pooping spree, but somehow stayed on and continued her internship through the rest of the summer. Tips have poured in, and it's become clear this is the story of your worst at-work nightmare come to life. Here's how one locked toilet at NBC caused a disaster: The intern was at NBC in New York, at the famous 30 Rock (NBC has not responded to our request for comment). Our tipsters diverge a tiny bit in their details, but all agree that this intern did exist, and she did have quite an accident. They say it all happened on the intern's first day on the job, in June. Apparently, she tried to make a run to the bathroom, but didn't quite get there. One account: