
Who Told All Those Europeans Ed Snowden Was On Evo Morales' Plane?

Adrian Chen · 07/05/13 10:27AM

On Wednesday, Bolivian President Evo Morales was geopolitically stopped-and-frisked in Austria on his way home from Moscow, which Bolivia has claimed was because the U.S. believed Ed Snowden was aboard his plane. Conflicting information has since emerged, with some claiming it was a routine stop that got blown out of proportion, others a flagrant abuse by U.S. imperialists. Today, however, it is clear that someone was telling Europeans governments that Edward Snowden was aboard Morales' flight, and it looks likely it was the U.S.

Adrian Chen · 07/02/13 05:21PM

Bolivia's foreign minister, on Bolivian TV, denies Snowden was on presidential plane that was forced to land in Vienna (via @RafaelRomoCNN)