
Google Is on Trial for Being Evil

Ryan Tate · 09/21/11 01:21PM

The Senate is about to debate whether Google is evil. The search giant's competitors, including Yelp, have come out swinging, and they seem to have a good case.

Amazon's Best Excuses for Abusing Sick and Pregnant Workers

Ryan Tate · 09/20/11 03:16PM

Workers in an Amazon.com warehouse were routinely sent to the emergency room because of sweltering, suffocating heat that sometimes exceeded 110 degrees — and because Amazon refused to open warehouse doors, fearing theft, according to a devastating exposé in the Allentown, Pennsylvania Morning Call. After workers, an E.R. doctor and a security guard complained, federal regulators investigated the warehouse and recommended changes. Amazon responded with popsicles, bandanas and finger pointing.

Netflix Prices Skyrocket

Ryan Tate · 07/12/11 03:16PM

Your new boyfriend Netflix just became more like your ex, the evil cable company, jacking up rates 60 percent on one popular plan and spinning it as a big boon to consumers. He's just daring you to dump him.

Private Prisons: Not Just Evil, But Expensive

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/11 03:11PM

People with half a human soul still extant in their corporeal shells tend to be creeped out by the concept of "private prisons," what with its overtones of prison-industrial complex run amok. But hey, private prisons save a few bucks, so bring em on! Right? No.

How Twitter Extorted a Desperate City

Ryan Tate · 04/06/11 06:25PM

Twitter, the lavishly funded microblogging service, is bullying its hometown of San Francisco into $22 million in tax breaks even as the city cuts health, police, transit and virtually all other city services. So much for Twitter's bleeding heart pretensions.

Koch Industries Cannot Buy Decent PR Advice

Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 09:52AM

Koch Industries is—and we say this strictly in the spirit of presenting their prevalent public image in an unfiltered manner—an evil mysterious Death Star-like conglomerate controlled by two unimaginably wealthy unaccountable right-wing billionaire brothers, who are evil. The Koch brothers have made news recently for hosting a secret conservative conclave to plot who-knows-what, and for harassing journalists. They're also suing a group of pranksters who issued a fake Koch press release. Today, the NYT gave the company a chance to defend itself in the court of public opinion. Anddddd....

Don't Be Fooled by Google's Fake New 'Privacy'

Ryan Tate · 01/24/11 06:35PM

Google made waves today with software that purports to banish ad tracking cookies. In reality, virtually no one will use the software, it doesn't banish ad tracking cookies, and Google itself is the leading tracker to begin with.

Google's $3 Billion Tax Dodge

Ryan Tate · 10/21/10 02:16PM

Google shaved $3.1 billion off its taxes the past three years with elaborate overseas tax shelters known as "the Double Irish" and "the Dutch Sandwich." That might sound kinky, but a tax professor says it's serious business: "They're perpetuating evil."

Shocker: Illegal Government Spying Is Illegal

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/10 08:30AM

A federal judge ruled yesterday that the N.S.A.'s covert wiretap program targeting who knows how many US citizens without court approval was (and is!) illegal. Of fucking course it is, come on. But...but...but what if Obama does it?