
The Must-Have Product For The Hamptons '08

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/08 11:31AM

Are you a summertime golf enthusiast, a woman with hot flashes, or just someone who enjoys comically conspicuous consumption? If so, you need to run out and purchase some Evian Mineral Water Spray straightaway. With every spritz of the five ounce, $10 bottle, you send the message: I have spent $10 on five ounces of water. Oh, wait; it's propelled by nitrogen. Well then. [via Adrants]

Choire · 10/22/07 04:25PM

Hey, Evian is back as our advertiser! After a little dust-up about what we (at editorial) thought was too intrusive a campaign, they've come back with something that we (at editorial!) think is kind of genius—an ad-free Gawker front page with Evian as the sole discreetly-named sponsor. We talk a lot of smack about advertising and what an evil industry it is, but how can we not find this totally winning?