
Ad network CEO: hiring greedy ex-Yahoos costs too much

Nicholas Carlson · 03/27/08 10:20AM

Brock Purpura, the CEO of ad network Etology, says it's easier to staff his sales team with Wall Street's leavings than to hire ex-Yahoos. Purpura told SAI that since you can't outsource ad sales like you can tech, ad-supported startups have begun offering ex-Yahoos equity. If shares aren't available, Purpura says ex-Yahoos demand between $200,000 to $250,000 to sign. It's more than Purpura, for one, is willing to pay. Especially since ex-Bear Stearns employees and other bankers, well-suited enough to the numbers-based ad game, have shown an eagerness to take on more work for less pay. We've heard they like the punishment.(Photo by Mr.Thomas)