
Exactly How Dumb 'Glamour' Readers Are

Emily · 05/10/07 05:40PM

Over at Glamour, the lads are still competing to see who will be the next advice columnist "Jake," and our former Intern Neel is trying to charm his putative fanbase with blog posts about... well, about his sketchy booty-calling ways. Nice one, Neel! But some of his highfalutin' literary references seem to be whizzing right over these readers' pretty little heads. For example, that booty-text-etiquette post was headlined, "Paging Emily Post," referring to the etiquette expert. Neel had Bradshawishly closed his musings with a query: "Do you guys really want a phone call the day after a drunk hookup call, even if it's awkward?" A commenter responded:

Style Magazine Generates Restaurant Party Alarmism, High School Geometry Flashbacks

Lux and Jon · 05/05/07 04:01PM

Over at the Times' wholly owned Magazine subsidiary, T expansionism continues unabated this weekend with an issue entirely dedicated Or is it? To wit, Alexandra Jacobs has a column regarding the difficulties of going Dutch at birthday parties, but a little induction reveals the article as less about the epicurean lifestyle, than, say, winning a Fields Medal. It's called "You Do the Math." Don't mind if we do.

How To Act Around The Queen

balk · 04/30/07 12:20PM

As a hazard attending to the job we do, we pretty much consume almost all media going, and we've yet to see any kind of etiquette guide regarding the forthcoming visit of Britain's Elizabeth "Queen" Windsor to these shores. But according to the Daily Mail our papers have been chockablock with tips for how we should behave in the off chance that we somehow encounter that little island's monarch. While helpfully noting that "Indians and black people are included in all of the ceremonies she will attend," the article doesn't do much in the way of providing useful advice as to how one should handle oneself in the presence of royalty. So here's our suggestion if you've somehow breached the security cordon: Say hello, ask her how her kids are, and get the hell out of there. This is America, we barely give a shit about the President. No need to be embarrassed about some old queen.

Sunnyvale's parking problem

bschiff · 01/12/07 04:27PM

So degraded are parking skills at Yahoo that vigilante employees are contributing to a Flickr photostream, to shame the worst offenders, according to the Wall Street Journal. But, a little sympathy, please. The Sunnyvale headquarters' multilevel parking garage is notoriously difficult to navigate. With some drivers spending 30 minutes roaming for a space, it's no wonder that civilized parking behavior breaks down.

SVUG #7: Should I post to my company blog from work?

Paul Boutin · 12/13/06 12:10PM

PAUL BOUTIN — Your company has employee blogs, how cool is that! But as a Valley professional, you're paid a lot of money to play a specialized role. "Blogger" isn't that role. To prevent your posts from coming back to bite you, stick to the unwritten Law of the Schoolyard about when — and how often — to blog.