
How Army Spy Planes Caught the Times Square Bomber (Updated)

Adrian Chen · 05/04/10 06:05PM

Faisal Shahzad's car bomb sucked, but the technology that caught him was cutting-edge: Army intelligence planes scrambled over New York, armed with Shahzad's cell phone number. They intercepted his call reserving a plane ticket to Dubai; authorities nabbed him.

WikiLeaks: Enemy of the State

Jeff Neumann · 03/18/10 05:04AM

The Pentagon is upset with the non-profit website for publishing documents it says are a "threat to the US Army" — like hiding Gitmo prisoners from the Red Cross — and for being supported by the CIA. Huh? [NYT]

Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?

Pareene · 09/21/09 05:02PM

There are many perils to life in Congress: the humidity, town halls yelling... But worst must be when screw-loose ex-staffers go over to the opposition and accuse you of betraying your country to Turkey while having a lesbian affair.

Jane Harman's Media Tour Gets Off to a Bad Start

John Cook · 04/21/09 05:43PM

Congresswoman Jane Harman took to the airwaves to defend herself against the charge that she conspired with a "suspected Israeli operative" to quash an espionage prosecution against former AIPAC employees. It didn't go so well.

Congresswoman Waddles Into Israeli Spy Storm

John Cook · 04/20/09 09:57AM

How many hot-buttons does the news that the NSA wiretapped Congresswoman Jane Harman involve? Let's count: 1) public corruption, 2) "Israel Lobby" espionage, 3) intelligence agencies spying on lawmakers and 4) Bush's hyper-politicization of everything.