
Always, Always Walk Down the Escalator

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/16 02:12PM

It has come to our attention that some trolls and anarchists have been spreading false information about urban transportation efficiency—right when people need the truth the most. We are here to assure you that is always right to walk down an escalator.

Please, Walk Down the Escalator

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/13 11:54AM

Let's just say for argument's sake that you enter a New York City subway station and step onto an escalator that's headed down towards the train tracks. At that moment, you must choose one of two clear courses of action: walk down the escalator, or stand still. Put more precisely, you can either walk down the escalator, or you deserve to be pushed down the escalator.

Ouch! The Ultimate Escalator Fail Video

Michael Jordan · 02/02/10 12:30PM

Jason Lee said it best in Mallrats when he said "Damn! That kid is back on the escalator again." Enjoy this original compilation of classic escalator fails, but try not to chortle too much: using escalators isn't for everyone.