
Science Proves That Teenagers Don't Give a Damn About Anyone

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 08:42AM

There is not one demographic group, including current prison inmates, more sociopathic than teenagers. The average 15 year-old private school student is more naturally inclined to antisocial acts than the average member of the Shabaab. Don't take my word for it—let a scientist tell you.

Rats May Actually Be Nicest People in New York

Max Read · 12/08/11 05:00PM

Here is a fact about New York City: it is filled with jerks. Here's another fact about New York City: it is filled with rats. Here's a third fact, recently discovered by scientists: rats are actually super nice, possibly (probably) even nicer than New Yorkers.

You Can No Longer Rationalize Eating Chicken

Max Read · 03/09/11 03:30AM

Chicken, the easiest of all non-fish meats to convince yourself it's okay to eat on moral grounds, is now a little more difficult to rationalize consuming. A new study seems to indicate that the birds can feel empathy—meaning they can theoretically feel the pain and distress of other chickens:

College Kids These Days Are Heartless Bastards

Adrian Chen · 05/29/10 10:25AM

A new study shows that college students today are 40 percent less empathetic than their counterparts from the 1970s. This is because college students only care about tagging themselves on Facebook and playing video games and me me me.

Keeping Good Karma In A World Of Scams

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/08 02:44PM

Lehman Brothers' Japan office is under scrutiny for making a little mistake: it lost a $350 million investment in a fraud. They thought the project they were investing in was backed by a reputable Japanese trading house, but it really wasn't. How did the scammers pull off their master plan? With fake stationery and business cards. Yes: somebody showed them some documents with an "official" company seal, handed over that genuine-looking business card, and next thing you know, $350 million! When things like this—or, say, a low-level trader at Societe General losing $7 billion by himself— happen at some of the world's top financial institutions, the impulse is to call those involved idiots or crooks. And sometimes they are. But guess what: getting scammed can be way easier than you think. And that especially goes for journalists!