
Lindsay Lohan's Feet Are Covered in White Powder and Other Terrors

Brian Moylan · 03/29/10 10:44AM

What is going on with LiLo's shoes? Kate Winslet is haunted by the ghost of relationships past. Sandra Bullock abandoned her house too. Gerard Butler's hands wander frighteningly. Demi Moore shrieks on Twitter. Monday's gossip is scared senseless.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 04/15/09 06:36AM

Seth Rogen turns 27 today. Actress Emma Thompson is 50. Jason Sehorn, the former NFL cornerback and husband of Angie Harmon, is 38. Olympic swimmer Dara Torres is turning 42. Songwriter Linda Perry is 44. Socialite Jamee Gregory turns 60. And Harry Potter star Emma Watson turns 19 today.

Emma Thompson Graphically Mauled By Stuffed Animal on 'Letterman'

Kyle Buchanan · 11/18/08 04:20PM

Naturally, we at Defamer think the world of Emma Thompson — after all, who doesn't? (Don't answer that, Branagh.) Still, we didn't expect much from her appearance last night on Letterman; maybe some cute banter, some veddy English trilling, but certainly nothing on the level of Helen Mirren's "I'm a crazy British woman" press tour.However, Thompson immediately bucked our expectations by marching onto the set while brawling with a stuffed fox who would not let go until it got a firm disavowal of Love Actually. Sure, Thompson was most likely satirizing Letterman's previous guest, who had survived an animal attack on her own, but we prefer to think of Thompson's stunt as a singular, non sequitur bid for attention. You've won this round, Thompson. Now go do something at Ellen's dunk tank and we can really crank it up.


cityfile · 11/18/08 10:24AM

Keira Knightley walking in SoHo with her mom ... Natalie Portman filming scenes for her new movie at the Wollman Rink in Central Park ... Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy walking out of a downtown restaurant ... Penn Badgley carrying takeout from Cafe Habana on Prince Street ... Brooke Shields hailing a cab in the West Village ... Naomi Watts pushing her son's stroller in NoHo ... Robin Williams carrying a Juicy Couture bag in the West Village ... Ed Westwick walking on Chrystie Street ... Emma Thompson posing for photographers outside the Letterman show ... Kid Rock leaving the Trump International Hotel ... and Anna Wintour getting out of a car.

Inside A Pee Wee-Starring 'Happiness 2' and a Peter Gallagher- Retaining 'Center Stage 2'

Kyle Buchanan · 08/28/08 01:50PM

Undaunted by the poor reception accorded Hamlet 2, Hollywood is pressing on with two even more unlikely sequels: one likely to provoke an excited "Oh my gahhh!" the other, simply an "Oh my." We'll start with the latter: strange as it may seem, Variety reports that Todd Solondz is moving ahead with an "untitled part-sequel, part-companion piece" to his incredibly unsettling 1998 comedy Happiness. If the idea of a Happiness 2 makes you feel just this far from being completely hysterical 24 hours a day, why not meet its unlikely cast of Pee-Wee Herman, Demi Moore, and Emma Thompson! No, this is not a delayed April Fool's Joke, and there is thus far no word on who will be masturbating on, near, or about whom, but the project will begin shooting this October in San Juan, Puerto Rico (naturally). More wholesome sequel news, after the jump:As excitedly noted by PopWrap, the seminal dance troupe sleeper Center Stage is also getting a sequel, Center Stage: Turn It Up. No Paul Reubens or Demi Moore here, but there are two casting notices that should make many a former teen girl's heart jete: Peter Gallagher is returning as company director Jonathan, and OMG OMG OMG Ethan Stiefel is returning as the positively dreamy Cooper Nielsen OMG. The sequel is set to premiere on Oxygen before making its debut on DVD; no word yet on whether network buddies Tori & Dean will cameo.

Short Ends: Brittany Murphy Probably Not Getting Dumped Today

mark · 01/16/06 03:37PM

· Brittany Murphy finds a less controversial way to get her name into the rags: By getting engaged.
· Citing the always-reliable foreign-language translations of an actor's fansite, The Scoop circuitously notes that Matt Damon and the new wifey might be having a girl.
· Emma Thompson proves that she's just a down-to-earth gal by humbly storing those terribly embarrassing Oscars in her bathroom.
· The Gilded Moose turns up for Elvira's garage sale, discovers overpriced, tackily airbrushed denim.