
Choire · 11/07/07 09:20AM

A recent study shows that Los Angeles would suffer more in a long-term writer's strike than New York City would! Isn't that a shock. (Apparently people in LA make T.V. and movies? And New York makes magazines and books!!??? This we had not heard!) Fortunately, the Times calls in our sociologist pal Elizabeth Currid for context. [NYT]

abalk · 09/14/07 03:44PM

Shameless promotion for people we like alert! U.S.C. professor (and our Celebrity Theory 101 author) Elizabeth Currid's first book, The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art and Music Drive New York City, is available now from Princeton University Press. We read it and really enjoyed it (except for some of the charts and data in the back, because numbers scare us), but don't take our word for it: The Economist, the Village Voice, Bloomberg, and a host of others are all buzzing about it. You can learn more about the book here.