
Texas Councilwoman Invokes 1st Amendment to Double Down on Homophobia

Cord Jefferson · 08/19/13 02:42PM

Elisa Chan, a San Antonio city councilwoman who was exposed last week for saying homophobic garbage in a closed-door meeting back in May, responded to the backlash today by saying it's her right to say homophobic garbage. While this is true, it is probably not the best route for Chan to take in order to win over her growing legion of critics.

Texas Councilwoman Caught Giving Master Class in Homophobic Idiocy

Cord Jefferson · 08/16/13 04:09PM

San Antonio City Councilwoman Elisa Chan is entangled in a homophobia scandal after a former aide secretly recorded her and other staffers bashing gays as "disgusting" and saying gay marriage is a slippery slope toward legalized incest and bestiality.