
Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 05:48PM

Drudge is breathless about the exit polls rolling in. He says Obama is up in Ohio and Virginia is a "toss up."

Abolish the Electoral College (And The U.S. Senate)

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/12 04:55PM

Democracy is not very hard to understand. Its simplicity is a big part of its appeal. One citizen, one vote. Even representative democracy, necessary for unwieldy, far-flung populous nations like ours, is pretty easy: the candidate who gets the most votes wins. Representatives represent the will of the people.

For Whom and What Are You Voting, and Why?

Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 04:25PM

It is Election Day! Time for Americans to come together after months and months of vindictive, divisive, hateful caterwauling about politics and finally put all the barking to a vote. Instagram user outmouth voted for "a gay dog" for president, as you can see above. That was probably not a wise decision, especially if he or she lives in Ohio. But that's the beauty of democracy: Every clown and madman gets to do it as long as they're over 18 and haven't committed a felony.

Vote for Obama If You Like Human Beings

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/06/12 01:00PM

It is difficult to have a rational conversation about reelecting Barack Obama. The right still likes to believe the left considers him "Obamessiah." Progressives seem to salivate at how pristinely their principles appear next to his shortcomings. And those young enough to not have experienced the soulfucker that was Clinton's second term almost revel in their worldly contempt after seeing their 2008 dreams brought low. Look, ma, I got my political disenchantment badge!

Robert Kessler · 11/05/12 05:19PM

WNYC reports NY Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order allowing displaced people to vote at any polling place tomorrow.

Take a Tour of CNN's New Virtual Senate

Robert Kessler · 11/05/12 11:13AM

This Sunday on CNN, Tom Foreman unveiled one of CNN's new fancy gadgets, surely to be one of a million they unveil for election night coverage on Tuesday.

New York Daily News Endorses Romney

MTanzer · 11/04/12 12:32PM

Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world's toughest job. We valued Obama's pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship.

Romney's New Attack Dog, Rudy Giuliani, Calls For Obama's Resignation

MTanzer · 11/03/12 02:04PM

Even though he's being attacked by idiots, Nate Silver is calling the election a complete lock for Obama which basically means it's over. So what's Mitt Romney to do now? Unless all of the state polls are totally off, he's going to be out of a job come next week. He needs one last trump card and the Donald isn't the man for the job. Romney is now hedging his bets on a last minute performance from Rudy Giuliani.

Shooting the Messenger's Numbers: Nate Silver's Struggle (The Redux)

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/02/12 11:02AM

Nate Silver, the famed statistician behind the FiveThirtyEight election forecast blog at the New York Times, is wrong. And gay. At least according to the more virulent elements of right-wing media. That he's wrong is only confirmed by his gayness, just as surely as his gayness is the source of his wrongness. Nate Silver is a tautology of being queer as hell about everything.

President Obama, You Have the Wrong Number

MTanzer · 11/01/12 07:53PM

Here's a picture of President Obama that's making the rounds right now. The picture was taken on Sunday and shows Obama realizing that he dialed the wrong number while making calls from a local campaign field office during a unscheduled visit in Orlando, Florida.