
Why Facebook Should Do More to Help Egypt's Protesters

Adrian Chen · 02/05/11 06:35PM

An image making the rounds features an Egyptian protester carrying a sign that reads "Thank you Facebook" in Arabic. Thanks for what? Facebook has done as little as possible to help Egypt's protesters. It should do more.

Government Officials Join the Protesters in Egypt

John Cook · 02/04/11 12:59PM

Re-energized protesters kept up the pressure on Hosni Mubarak in the 11th day of massive demonstrations across Egypt today. The violence of the past two days seems to have abated, and prominent government figures have taken to the streets.

Army Truck in Egypt Runs Over Protesters

Marisa Gladstone · 02/03/11 02:10PM

The situation in Egypt is becoming increasingly more chaotic each day as evidenced by videos like this. Here, a group of protesters are run over by a speeding army truck that has no intention of halting for anyone. There is no doubt that occurrences like this will lead only to more anger and unrest.

Egypt No Longer Safe For Journalists

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/11 12:28PM

Over the past day and a half, Egypt has transformed from a thrilling dream story for journalists into a place where being a journalist is seriously hazardous. First the physical attacks; now, the arrests. A quick rundown, below.

Cairo Mania

Max Read · 02/03/11 03:52AM

[Pro-Mubarak forces (reportedly hired by Egypt's president to cause chaos) clash with anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square. At least three died and 639 were injured during Wednesday's surprisingly violent protests. Photo via AP]

Egypt Turns Violent

Jim Newell · 02/02/11 06:20PM

The Egyptian protests took a surprisingly ugly turn in Cairo today. Mobs tied to the Mubarak regime emerged to beat back protesters and journalists. Here are some somewhat graphic images of the clashes, so turn away if you're easily disturbed.