
Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/13 01:53PM

National Review writer Daniel Foster thinks that assassinating Edward Snowden would be hilarious.

Cord Jefferson · 06/17/13 03:54PM

A man who caused a scare on a flight from Hong Kong today was taken into FBI custody after telling fellow passengers "he was poisoned, had secrets from the CIA and mentioned Edward Snowden's name a number of times." The CDC found no evidence of poison on the plane.

Naomi Wolf Is a Snowden Truther

Tom Scocca · 06/14/13 03:55PM

Naomi Wolf—the author, Thought Leader, and political consultant/non-consultant—has been following the story of Edward Snowden, and she has decided to share her thoughts on Facebook. Specifically, Wolf wishes to convey her "creeping concern" that Snowden "is not who he purports to be." Who is he, then? Signs point to his being one of them. You know: THEM.

Taylor Berman · 06/11/13 08:36PM

Ron Paul on NSA leaker Edward Snowden: "I'm worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile.”

The Smart Kids Are Going To Keep Leaking Forever

Sam Biddle · 06/11/13 12:03PM

Daniel Ellsberg attended Harvard and Cambridge, became a decorated Marine and Pentagon analyst—and then, at 38, produced the greatest document leak in American history. He cited unjust warfare and official lies. Edward Snowden dropped out of high school and produced perhaps the second greatest leak at 29. He cited Reddit. The bad news for American intelligence: the Snowdens are here to stay.

The Vain Media Cynics of the NSA Story

Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/13 10:31AM

In the past week, we've witnessed the post-9/11 era's most comprehensive set of stories about the extent of the U.S. government's secret domestic spying programs. It's front page news worldwide. It's sparked a national debate over privacy and security. And some of our nation's most useless political pundits could not be more bored.

Meet The Former CIA Operative Behind the NSA Leaks (Updates)

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 06/09/13 02:41PM

Edward Snowden, a former CIA technical assistant and current employee of the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, which assigned him to work for the NSA, has revealed himself as the leaker behind the documents this week that showed the extent of spying that the NSA does on American citizens.