
Everyone Has Figured Out That Business School Sucks

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/12 12:40PM

Does factual evidence show that we are living in a bold new "Age of Aquarius" in which young people throw off the strictures of their square parents' uptight generation and forge their own path, outside of the square uptight money-focused world where everything is always about money and shit? The answer is a resounding "yes, dad." For not only are The Youth giving up on law school—they're giving up on business school, as well.

There's a Simple Solution to the Public Schools Crisis

John Cook · 09/13/12 02:00PM

The ongoing (but maybe soon to end?) teachers' strike in Chicago is being viewed by many as an early skirmish in a coming war over the crisis in public education—stagnant or declining graduation rates, substandard educations, dilapidated schools, angry teachers, underserved students. There is one simple step that would go a long way toward resolving many of those issues: Make all schools public schools.

A Guide to Chicago's Ongoing Teachers' Strike

John Cook · 09/12/12 03:41PM

That back-to-school chill is in the air, except in Chicago, where 26,000 public school teachers and support staff are on strike and more than 350,000 students are just fucking off all day instead of learning. Even though Chicago is a dull provincial city of little national import, everybody is talking about the strike because Rahm Emanuel is mayor and Obama used to live there. What's the story?

Top 20 Party Schools, Top 20 Sober Schools All Sound Equally Horrible

Max Read · 08/20/12 05:34PM

We now take such things for granted, but it's important to remember that for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, Europe underwent a long age of violence and terror, bereft of the wisdom and knowledge of the ancients, completely ignorant of which colleges were among the 20 Party Schools. We must consider ourselves lucky, then, that we live in an age where every year Princeton Review blesses us with a list of not just the Top 20 Party Schools but also a list of the Top 20 Stone-Cold Sober Campuses — a cornucopia of Schools We Would Never Want to Go To.

Back to School, You Lazy Whelps, Ha Ha, Sucks for You

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/12 08:48AM

It's half-past August, and you know what that means in No Child Left Behind the 7-11 Without Some Book-Learnin' America: it's time for your unruly, ungrateful, and uncomprehending children to put down their childish toys of summers and return to the cold, gleaming socialization boxes in which we warehouse them virtually year-round, for the good of everyone.

Even the Well-Off Find College Unaffordable Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/12 09:42AM

This WSJ story today on the rising cost of college for the affluent is a cavalcade of shocking statistics about our current student debt crisis: the average price of a four-year college has more than doubled in real terms since 1985; three million households owe $50k or more in student loans, a number that's tripled since 1989, inflation-adjusted. When even the golf course set can't afford college, you know we have a problem.

Law Schools Throwing Money at Anyone Desperate Enough to Attend Law School

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/12 02:04PM

Since the recession and the cruel pulling-out of the rug from under the notional feet of thousands of fresh-faced law school graduates who'd imagined office-bound lives of leisure in their futures, it's become quite clear to everyone that law school is for suckers. Nobody knows this better than people who run law schools. So what to do? Put themselves out of a job? Haha! No, but seriously, they can offer you a great deal on law school right now.

Government Bravely Urges Everyone Except the Government to Give Student Loan Victims a Break

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/12 10:35AM

The funniest (meaning "most horrific and devastating") thing about student loans is that, thanks to some nifty lobbying, you cannot get rid of them in bankruptcy. They just stick around like one of the more bothersome STDs no matter how impoverished you become. But that might change, a bit! Which would be major news for you broke, educated people.

The Dreaded Double-Ended Old Age Student Loan Crisis

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/12 09:02AM

The student loan bubble that threatens to envelop America is a truly remarkable form of penury: your debt ruins you financially, and you may never even reap any benefits from it, thanks to our nation's horrible economy! And now, a second, even more devious peril is becoming clear: you could still be repaying your student loans when it comes time to help your kids get their own student loans.

All Schools Are Private Whether You Like It or Not

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/12 10:21AM

The whole "big idea" behind having a system of public schools to educate our nation's children is that the public schools are free to attend. We pay taxes, and those taxes pay for schools. The schools are open to all the kids, for free. If you're paying money in order to attend a school, that's called a private school. New system: all schools are private!

Something Related to Alleged Hot Lesbian Teachers Has Happened

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/12 09:01AM

We're all familiar with the case of the Alleged Hot Lesbian Teachers, who were allegedly caught in a hot classroom having hot lesbian sex (with each other), in the classroom, at the school. Yeah. Very familiar. *Disturbing leer* As journalists—*Disturbing leer*—we're committed to keeping you up to date with Alleged Hot Lesbian Teacher sex developments. Yeah. These things develop, alright. *Disturbing leer*

A High School Diploma Is a Ticket to Unemployment and Hopelessness

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/12 10:16AM

Despite the fact that college education in America is a years-long exercise in dodging crippling debt and financial exploitation with uncertain payoffs, it goes without saying that having a college degree is still preferable to only having a high school diploma, all things being equal. Because while indebted college graduates may be screwed at the moment, at least they get to cut ahead in line when the jobs come around.

All the Ways in Which Being Poor or Uneducated Will Kill You Quicker

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/12 03:16PM

The CDC has released its big huge annual report about this nation in which we live (America), and how our health is, here (in America). A special highlight this year is a detailed look at exactly how being poor and/ or uneducated will screw your health. (In addition to your sociopolitical status and fundamental sense of human dignity.) Don't like being disadvantaged? Don't worry, you'll die soon. A rundown:

Politicians Bravely Vote Down Political Science Funding

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/12 12:10PM

Though we take a backseat to no one when it comes to mocking various academic fields on the basis of little but our own prejudices, this is ridiculous even by our low standards: famous political theorist Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) (pictured, smugly) led a successful battle this week to get the House of Representatives to zero out funding for the National Science Foundation's most useless field. Political science. Don't want nobody book-larnin' bout no politickin'. Inside Higher Ed reports: