
True Stories of Life on the Dole

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 01:32PM

Across America, there is a significant political movement to restrict access to food stamps and other government aid programs for the poor. Earlier this week, we asked those of you who receive public assistance to send us your stories. The results have been overwhelming.

Midday Drama in Hell's Kitchen on My Date With The Bachelorette

Allie Jones · 04/15/15 12:18PM

VERY FAR AWAY, NOT NEAR ANYTHING, New York. — Security in the Hell’s Kitchen club where I have come to observe and participate in the filming of an upcoming episode of The Bachelorette is as lax as the code of conduct in the show’s “Fantasy Suite”—the magniloquent name applied to an anonymous hotel room where, in the final episodes of every season, producers offer that cycle’s Bachelorette the chance to hold a private audience with (AKA the penis of) each of her remaining suitors, out of view of ABC’s peeping cameras.

Get to Know Marco Rubio, the Biggest Idiot Running for President

Adam Weinstein · 04/14/15 01:50PM

A lot of people in the United States don't know anything about soon-to-be ex-senator Marco Rubio of Florida, which means he theoretically still has a chance to be president, the same way the Philadelphia Phillies can still theoretically win this year's pennant. It will not last, and it will never have been realistic.

Don't Mess With My Bacon, Egg, and Cheese

Taylor Berman · 04/14/15 12:10PM

A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich can be many things: good, bad, cheap, expensive, readily available, rare, redemptive, a thing to argue about endlessly with respected colleagues. It is not, however, a “secret handshake that New Yorkers exchange” or anything else that Pete Wells describes it as in his recent and stupid essay in the New York Times about the breakfast staple.

How Gamergate Radicals Seized Sci-Fi's Most Prestigious Awards

Jay Hathaway · 04/10/15 03:00PM

The Hugos are among science fiction's most prestigious awards. Since the 1950s, they've been awarded to the genre's best and brightest—icons like Heinlein, Asimov, LeGuin, and Dick. This year, they're just the latest front in Gamergate's war against women and minority fandom.

The Brontosaurus Is Back, Baby

Rich Juzwiak · 04/07/15 11:42AM

Remember how Prince went from being Prince to the Artist Formerly Known as Prince (aka that symbol thing) to the artist formerly known as the Artist Formerly Known as Prince (i.e. back to just Prince)? Same thing just happened to the brontosaurus — brontos are back and they're ready to rock the Super Bowl!

The "Food Babe" Blogger Is Full of Shit

Yvette d'Entremont · 04/06/15 02:45PM

Vani Hari, AKA the Food Babe, has amassed a loyal following in her Food Babe Army. The recent subject of profiles and interviews in the New York Times, the New York Post and New York Magazine, Hari implores her soldiers to petition food companies to change their formulas. She's also written a bestselling book telling you that you can change your life in 21 days by "breaking free of the hidden toxins in your life." She and her army are out to change the world.

A Comprehensive Updated List of Every Celebrity Linked to Scientology

Andy Cush · 04/02/15 01:15PM

L. Ron Hubbard began Scientology’s “Project Celebrity” in 1955, offering a list of 63 high-profile targets and a “small plaque” as a reward to anyone who successfully brought the likes of Bob Hope and Ernest Hemingway into the church. “There are many to whom America and the world listens...” Scientology’s blustery founder wrote in a newsletter announcing the plan. “It is obvious what would happen to Scientology if prime communicators benefitting from it would mention it now and then.” Sixty years later, was Project Celebrity a success?

The Sockman and Me: Encounters With a Friendly Neighborhood Fetishist

David Wilson · 04/02/15 08:30AM

Recently, my sister forwarded me a picture taken of me in the summer of 1986. I'm standing in front of my parents' pool, holding out a fish I had caught earlier that day. I have one hand on my hip and I'm leaning to the side so as to keep the fish up. What most struck me about the picture were my socks. They cover my entire calf, ending just below my knee. Later that evening, I would sell those same socks for $10 to a guy who lived around the corner.

The World's Most Famous Musicians Just Hosted a Bonkers Press Conference

Sam Biddle · 03/30/15 05:15PM

Only a few minutes ago, the entire music industry stood on a stage in a collective display of how rich and out of touch they are. They think you are willing to pay up to double the price of other streaming music services to pay for their streaming music service, because they are crazy.

Audit This: The Most Disturbing Scientology Stories of the Last Decade

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/30/15 01:00PM

Following the premiere of the damning Scientology documentary Going Clear last night, you may have more questions about the bizarre cult and its recent history. Compiled below are the most insane reports about Scientology from the past ten years.

Did Clinton's Backdoor Adviser Illegally Lobby for Putin Ally?

Sam Biddle · 03/30/15 10:25AM

Hillary Clinton says there is nothing to hide in her scandalous personal email account, now apparently half-deleted. But leaked emails from her longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal show that he and another former official from Bill Clinton's administration were secretly lobbying the secretary of state on behalf of a billionaire in the former Soviet state of Georgia who was seeking closer ties with Putin's Russia—seemingly in violation of a federal law designed to prevent foreign powers from covertly wielding influence within the United States.

Leaked Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide's Secret Spy Network

Jeff Gerth and Sam Biddle · 03/27/15 02:49PM

Starting weeks before Islamic militants attacked the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, longtime Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal supplied intelligence to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gathered by a secret network that included a former CIA clandestine service officer, according to hacked emails from Blumenthal's account.

Bad Frats: A Rolling Account of This Year's Fraternity Fuck-Ups

Jordan Sargent · 03/27/15 09:55AM

Fraternities in America have spent 2015 more or less acting as if the rules of law and decency do not apply to them. Of course, this is not without reason: for much of the last 200 or so years, our fraternities have been granted a unique pass that has treated their singular incubation of poisonous masculinity as a net positive for society.

Freedom Song: A Conversation About the State of Black Liberation Music

Jason Parham · 03/25/15 01:45PM

In the lyric pamphlet to Black Messiah, D'Angelo's third album after 14 years away from the spotlight, the soul-savant explains his reasoning behind its title and sudden release: "Some will jump to the conclusion that I am calling myself a Black Messiah," he begins. "For me the title is about all of us...It's about people rising up in Ferguson and in Egypt and in Occupy Wall Street and in every place where a community has had enough and decides to make change happen. It's not about celebrating one charismatic leader but celebrating thousands of them."

What the Amish Taught Me About Breastfeeding My Baby

Laura Cronk · 03/24/15 09:05AM

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had a recurring dream. I was nursing a baby–in an icy parking lot, at a dinner party in the bedroom where the coats were piled on a bed, lost in the desert. I would nurse a baby at one breast, put her to the other, and there would be no milk. Sometimes the baby wailed with frustration and hunger, and sometimes the baby just looked at me with sad eyes. I always woke shaken. I must be worried, I thought, about being an adequate parent. But that wasn't it. My body was sending me a literal warning.

Here's the Internal Memo from Starbucks' Disastrous Race-Relations Push

Jordan Sargent · 03/19/15 04:25PM

Everybody hates Starbucks' absurdly stupid "Race Together" initiative, but the people who hate it the most are probably the baristas, who have been asked by their wealthy bosses to bear the responsibility of starting discussions about American racism... at Starbucks. A tipster sent us a photo of what she says is the internal memo distributed to Starbucks workers—here's what "Race Together" looks like from the inside.

Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life

David Graeber · 03/19/15 12:09PM

The Department of Justice's investigation of the Ferguson Police Department has scandalized the nation, and justly so. But the department's institutional racism, while shocking, isn't the report's most striking revelation.