
Court Transcripts: Bill O’Reilly’s Daughter Saw Him “Choking Her Mom”

J.K. Trotter · 05/20/15 02:00PM

Gawker has obtained partial transcripts from the custody trial at the center of Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly’s vicious dispute with his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy. The documents, which record testimony given last year, confirm that the ex-couple’s teenage daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner that she witnessed O’Reilly “choking her mom” as he “dragged her down some stairs” by the neck. The same transcripts also reveal that O’Reilly—who famously settled a lurid sexual harassment claim from one of his young female producers—told his daughter that her mother is an “adulterer”; that he struggles to control his rage around his family; and that his daughter regards him as an absentee father.

Bill O’Reilly Accused of Domestic Violence in Custody Battle

J.K. Trotter · 05/18/15 01:00PM

Three weeks ago, a Nassau County Supreme Court justice ended a bitter three-year custody dispute between Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy. Though nearly all documents pertaining to New York family court cases are sealed, Gawker has learned that the justice in the case heard testimony accusing O’Reilly of physically assaulting his wife in the couple’s Manhasset home.

Are You a Mad Men Superfan? Take Our Quiz!

Alex Pareene · 05/18/15 12:40PM

The critically acclaimed AMC original series Mad Men ended its run last night after seven seasons and 92 episodes of prestige period drama. Creator Matthew Weiner’s ode to the advertising industry in the middle of the 20th century was one of the most talked-about shows of the last decade, with each episode lovingly (and sometimes not-so-lovingly) dissected by a dedicated army of recappers, reviewers and television critics.

It Should Be Illegal For Student Loan Companies To Wish Happy Birthday

Jordan Sargent · 05/14/15 04:45PM

Today I turned 27. I was wished a happy birthday by my parents, my boyfriend, my co-workers, several dozen Facebook friends, and approximately four people on Twitter. I was also wished a happy birthday by Nelnet, a student loan firm contracted by the federal government, to which I currently owe $19,008.13.

We Made a Missouri Rep's Incredibly Boring Intern Sexts Actually Dirty

Jay Hathaway · 05/13/15 05:00PM

Missouri’s Speaker of the House, Republican John Diehl, is currently embroiled in a scandal after allegedly exchanging sexts with a college freshman intern who had him in her phone as “Frank Underwood ;).” The Kansas City Star has obtained and verified screenshots of their :kiss emoji: iMessage conversations, which “paint a picture of playful sexual innuendo.” That is certainly one way you could put it.

Emergency Delivery for G. Clooney: My Life as an A-List Party Crasher

Charlotte Laws · 05/13/15 03:20PM

I was recently voted one of the 15 most notorious party crashers in the world, a title I don’t take lightly. I am proud to report that I came in at No. 4, beating Tareq and Michaele Salahi (#15), Queen Elizabeth (#14) and Bill Murray (#6). Lady Gaga and Serena Williams were handed honorable mentions, but did not actually make the esteemed list. Better luck next time, ladies!

Blueprint of a Subway Shooting

Andy Cush · 05/12/15 11:41AM

Brooklyn district attorney Ken Thompson announced last week that he would not seek to file charges against 69-year-0ld Willie Groomes, who fatally shot 32-year-old Gilbert Drogheo in the Borough Hall subway station on March 10. Thompson’s office declined to elaborate on its reasoning beyond a brief statement saying, “While the death of this young man was indeed tragic, we cannot prove any charge of homicide beyond a reasonable doubt.”

The Subway Slaying That Wasn't a Crime

Andy Cush · 05/08/15 05:00PM

Linda Rodriguez was lying in bed when the knock at the door came. Her youngest son, Eric Maldonado, 17, heard it first. He figured it was his older brother Gilbert coming home. Gilbert Drogheo, 32, was a jokester, and Eric knew if he got up and let him in, they might be up all night chatting. Eric had school the next day, so he left it for his mother to answer. Before she did, the phone next to her bed started ringing.

Here's What Happens When You Report Sexual Misconduct on the Subway

Anonymous · 05/08/15 10:40AM

Yesterday morning, between 9:30 and 9:40 a.m. (yes, I was running late to work) I was the victim of sexual misconduct at the Fulton Street subway stop, at the exit near Fulton and William streets. The MTA and the NYPD failed to provide substantial measures in responding to and reporting the incident.

Meet the Wankers Who Want to be Britain’s Prime Minister

Libby Watson · 05/06/15 10:40AM

Tomorrow, the citizenry of the United Kingdom will cast their votes in a general election. If you’re an American, you may have been too busy tenderly rubbing your genitals on a gun to have read much about this. Who’s fighting to lead this grey and unpleasant land onward into its inevitable irrelevancy? And how do we even do elections without an electoral college? Allow me, a Proper Brit, to get you up to speed.

​Alone in Disney World

Rich Juzwiak · 05/04/15 09:00AM

If you are alone in Disney World, you’ll never forget it. Even if you can ignore all of the families that surround you, even if you manage to miss the couples walking hand-in-hand through the park, you will always be aware of your singledom because you are constantly compelled to disclose it to the state authorities of the Magic Kingdom. On every ride, at every mechanical attraction, your status is interrogated before you sit down. And when the operator asks how many are in your party, you have to say—out loud—one.

The No Money Team

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/15 12:17PM

In the sixth round last night, the fight started in the crowd.

Freddie Gray Was Not a Riot

Andy Cush · 05/01/15 10:55AM

According to those who knew him well, Freddie Gray was a funny, happy, outspoken, and well-liked guy whose life was cut short in the custody of the Baltimore Police last week.

The Black Hole of Mayweather-Pacquiao

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/15 01:27PM

“It’s Jamie Foxx!” The young man standing outside the MGM’s KA Theatre grabbed his girlfriend’s arm. “There! Walking this way!”

It Is Fight Week and Las Vegas Is a Timeless Vortex

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/15 12:39PM

“You here for the fight?” said my cab driver, who looked like a less successful Guy Fieri. “I used to work for referee Jay Nady, the highest grossing boxing referee of all time.” He gestured out the window at a stoplight. “See that cab? That’s Jay Nady’s cab company right there. The ones with the ‘A.’ The ‘A’ is for asshole. Fuck that guy.”

I Spent the Evening at a Happy, Heavily Guarded Baltimore Block Party

Andy Cush · 04/28/15 09:23PM

My first indication that things would be different at Baltimore’s North and Pennsylvania Avenues this evening came when I met Crystal Smith and Jessica Mullen. “Hey!” Crystal called to me, wearing a Baltimore Ravens t-shirt, standing three blocks away from a CVS that was burned and looted just last night (and again today). “Wanna help us move the camel?”

Good Afternoon, From Baltimore 

Andy Cush · 04/28/15 02:25PM

I left my hotel at around 11:30 this morning and headed to the Inner Harbor, where I’d heard the National Guard was stationed. But Baltimore, at least near Camden Yards where I am, feels fairly quiet. People are out and about; if it wasn’t for the presence of guards and troopers it would feel like normal spring day.

"Those Kids Were Set Up"

Tom Scocca · 04/28/15 01:15PM

I was at a stoplight in front of Frederick Douglass High School and directly across from Mondawmin Mall. It was exactly 3 p.m. The mall was on lockdown. There were police helicopters flying overhead. The riot police were already at the bus stop on the other side of the mall, turning buses that transport the students away, not allowing students to board.They were waiting for the kids. As I sat at the intersection of Gwynns Falls, I saw several police cars arriving at the scene. I saw the armored police vehicle arrive. Those kids were set up, they were treated like criminals before the first brick was thrown.