
Si Newhouse's Lawn

Joshua Stein · 09/05/07 03:00PM

Advance Publications chairman S.I. Newhouse—Conde Nast's big honcho—and his wife live on three adjacent lots in Bellport, Long Island, on South Howell's Point Road. The lawn proper is guarded by a little wooden gate at the road. As we unlatched it the other day, we pondered the legality of our actions—but we were accompanied by Eddie Hayes, the New York lawyer who's defended Jon Gotti, the mafia cops and Andy Warhol's legacy, so we thought we'd be okay. It turns out that Si Newhouse's grass is short, lush and well-kept. Surprised?

You May Or May Not Hear About Rats At Da Silvano

Joshua Stein · 09/04/07 11:56AM

Whether or not you see footage of rats running freely in New York's favorite Italian restaurant Da Silvano on the T.V. later this week—probably Wednesday!—depends on the backroom legal maneuvering of lawyer and general fixer Eddie Hayes. Rats, despite the popularity of Ratatouille, generally tend to be bad for business. And Fox News would like nothing more than to wound Da Silvano, a "stronghold of the cultural left," says Hayes. But the same liberal media mafia that (supposedly!) made Silvano Marchetto a target just might be his salvation.