
Roger Ailes On His Secrets Of Success

Choire · 10/08/07 09:50AM

It's so hard not to love Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch's evil henchman and honcho of Fox News and the new Fox Business Network. Here's his notable quotable from a Q&A with Rebecca Dana in the Wall Street Journal: People say, 'How can you? You didn't go to Columbia Journalism School, how can you run a news organization?' I say, 'I have two qualifications: One, I didn't go to Columbia Journalism School, so there's a chance I'll be fair, and, two, I never want to go to a party in this town, so there's nobody's ass I have to kiss.'"

A Loose-Lipped Isaiah Washington Gets Head Start On Sabotaging Next Network Job

seth · 06/26/07 12:17PM

Former Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington has been devoting a good portion of his newly cleared schedule to the granting of angry, uncensored interviews, in which he connects the not-so-obvious dots to help us better see T.R. Knight as the Machiavellian, closet-exiting opportunist he truly is. And while the natural impulse for most of us would be to set up folding chairs in order to take in one of the most spectacular career-immolations in recent memory, Washington is quick to point out to EW that the offers have been flooding in since Dr. Burke's untimely demise: