
Romney Campaign Attacks Santorum For Polar Bear And Comfy Seat Earmarks

Noah Garfinkel · 02/06/12 07:45PM

Fearful that Santorum might do better than expected in some upcoming primaries, the Romney campaign is sending out surrogates to attack the former senator's conservative credentials. The thing is, though... they're attacking him for trying to fund things that sound really nice and pleasant. And fluffy. The Huffington Post reports that Romney supporter Tim Pawlenty participated in a conference call today.

RIP, Republican Earmark Ban: 2010-2010

Jim Newell · 11/24/10 03:08PM

Even though Senate Republicans only banned earmarks in a non-binding caucus pledge, you'd think they could've waited longer than three days to break it, right? And yet here comes $200 million for you, Arizona, thanks to Sen. Jon Kyl!

Noted Pundit Will Call Race In Your Favor For Money

John Cook · 06/19/09 12:02PM

Larry Sabato is a quote-mongering political scientist at the University of Virginia who's always talking to reporters because he likes talking. And if you're a congressman pal who directs millions in earmarks to Sabato's organization, he'll say whatever you like.