
Video about Technology's Early Adopters is Poignant, Timely

Christopher Han · 11/27/10 08:53PM

This one is for every person completely content with the way they get things done now. The ones who, curiously, hold onto their old gadgets with zeal. The good folks at CollegeHumor argue that history is not on your side.

The suck-up effect

wagger1 · 06/25/07 10:03AM

In his latest guide to startups, Netscape cofounder Marc Andreessen unwittingly offers a rational explanation for Silicon Valley's Facebook frenzy: Sucking up. First, venture capitalists, in their endless neophilia, started using the social networking site. Then entrepreneurs joined in, too, in hopes of impressing those VCs — brazen attempts, in short at brown-nosing their way to getting funded. The same dynamic applies to Twitter, which is an even better medium for elevator-pitching the Valley's short-attention-span financiers. After the jump, Andreessen's analysis.

Emily Gould · 06/06/07 01:52PM

CollegeHumor editor Ricky Van Veen got his iPhone today! Unless that is a photo of an iPod. Which it is. [Get Excited]