
Remember, if McCain wins we blame the machines

Paul Boutin · 11/04/08 04:20PM

A few years ago PC World's then-editor Harry McCracken had me look under the hood of the most popular voting machines. It came down to this: People trust ink-on-paper records more than anything stored in a computer. They only suspect tampering when they lose. Did you notice the lack of mainstream media stories about voting machine risks in 2006, when the Democrats took over Congress? There's your liberal media bias, right there. It's not that editors and producers killed stories questioning the vote, it's that they forgot to assign them after their side won. Today, Kim Zetter at Wired.com is the only reporter cranking out the e-voting fail. Ohio has some ESS iVotronics that will only vote for Nader. God help us all.

Pesky humans ruin flawless e-vote in Florida

Paul Boutin · 09/04/08 03:40PM

Thousands of ballots in a tight race for a seat on Florida's 15th Circuit Court never made it into the optical ballot scanners. Wired's Kim Zetter, who's covered e-voting for years, has the hard-to-follow story. Ars Technica also hit up election officials for an explanation. Here's a two-line summary of the whole thing:Both the initial tally and a recount were ruined by election workers who didn't return and scan all the ballots they handed out. At least 2,700 of the 102,523 ballots cast are missing. As for the optical-scan machinery built by Sequoia, a few paper jams were the worst reported trouble.