
Hollywood Clubgoers Successfully Drink Away The Pain Of 9-11

mark · 09/12/07 02:56PM

Not afraid to get topical in its efforts to document the alcohol-enhanced wit and wisdom of Hollywood clubgoers as they wobbily emerge from our city's finest, most exclusive drinking establishments, TMZ TV discovered that while a long night of boozing may inhibit a person's ability to recall the exact date of the tragic 9-11 tourist attacks of the Iraq that took place between two and five years ago, it seems to have no ill effect on one's capacity for listing the names of Angelina Jolie's children. We've never been prouder to call Los Angeles our home.

TMZ TV: Deep Inside The World Of Drunk, Incoherent Hollywood Clubgoers

mark · 09/11/07 11:23AM

In case you somehow missed the eerily prescient (OK, maybe they were just playing the odds) "Britney, We Love You" ads adorning virtually every bus stop and billboard in Los Angeles over the past month or so, TMZ TV, TMZ.com's reverse-engineered television product, debuted last night, ushering in an exciting new era in celebrity telejournalism in which the word "douche" can be used to describe their misbehaving subjects. (Somewhere, Billy Bush is silently mouthing the delicious insult, working up the nerve to slip it in to his next Access Hollywood voiceover.) While we were underwhelmed by the premiere episode's big "get," some security camera footage of Pulp Fiction gimp-keeper Peter Greene's inept license plate heist, we did quite enjoy the above footage of drunk chicks stumbling around outside of Les Deux, babbling incoherently in the general direction of a TMZ cameraman while occasionally flashing their goodies, as it saves us the ten dollars in parking fees we'd have to spend to experience the most satisfying part of a night out in Hollywood.