
Applebee's Got A Baby Drunk

Seth Abramovitch · 04/10/11 07:58PM

It's never too soon to talk to your kids about drinking. A family eating at a Detroit-area Applebee's over the weekend noticed that their 15-month-old son Dominic was behaving oddly. That's because the restaurant had accidentally served him tequila.

Behind The Scenes Of 'The Landlord'

mark · 04/17/07 12:02PM

Since its debut late last week, Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's The Landlord has ridden the surefire blockbuster formula of mixing the world's biggest comedy star with a potty-mouthed, alcoholic baby to nearly 2.5 million views, an achievement of viral video dissemination not seen since Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake cut holes in a pair of boxes and then inserted their engorged genitals into said boxes. This explosive success has sent the media scrambling to figure out who or what is behind Funny Or Die, the video-sharing site that launched with the Ferrell clip. THR tracked down the shadowy puppetmaster behind the new web venture for comment: