
How To Pass a Drug Test

Remy Stern · 06/21/11 03:45PM

Perhaps you've found yourself in a situation where you have to take a drug test. Perhaps you're a marijuana enthusiast or just sporadically partake in the pleasure. Well, here are some tips on how to pass a urine test. [Jezebel]

Ex-Tunisian Dictator was a World-Class Jewel Thief and Druggie

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/11 05:58AM

The trial of deposed Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali begins today in absentia, since Ben Ali is yukking it up with Saudi royals on his extended vacation there. Today's trial is the first of many, but this one is pretty juicy. Ben Ali is charged with theft, as well as drug and weapons possession, and the case is built on evidence recovered from two of his palaces outside of Tunis.

Libyan Rebels are Raging Potheads

Jeff Neumann · 06/17/11 06:51AM

Several reporters have returned from Libya with tales of young gun-toting, hash-smoking rebels and really, can you blame these guys? By all accounts, the fighting in Libya is nasty and the alternative to victory over Qaddafi is death for most of them. But some rebels aren't feeling the front lines party vibe:

Don't Try to Pretend Like Your Baby Doesn't Have STDs

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/11 04:49PM

Oxy challenges! Dog watching! Jillian Michaels! School health-lunch! Sunscreen changes! Syphilis babies! Stroke prevention! Chantix problems! And people everywhere trying super workout programs! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—childishly!

Scientists Discover Magic Mushroom 'Sweet Spot'

Max Read · 06/15/11 07:22PM

Scientists at Johns Hopkins studying psilocybin (the active ingredient in hallucinogenic "magic mushrooms") say they've figured out the dosage "sweet spot"—the "mama bear" dose at which a hypothetically adventurous Goldilocks would say "just right, man."

Look Around Before Hotboxing in a McDonald's Drive-Thru

Jeff Neumann · 06/15/11 06:40AM

There are very few instances when eating anything at all from McDonald's deserves a pass. Post-joint/blunt/bong rip/whatever is one of them. But when you're getting high in public it pays to be at least somewhat vigilant (when possible). Just ask flagrant 21-year-old Jose Barrera of Elgin, Illinois:

Homeless Mom, Accused of Education Theft, Arrested for Selling Crack

Jeff Neumann · 06/14/11 04:20AM

Tanya McDowell, the homeless Connecticut woman who was charged with larceny for heinously enrolling her son in an elementary school in a town where she doesn't live, now has a new pile of legal woes. She was arrested last Friday for allegedly selling crack and weed to undercover cops on three separate occasions, as well as offering them prostitutes. One of the alleged transactions occurred during her son's birthday party.

Breastfeed or Your Baby Will Die

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 03:53PM

Fat man surgery! Epilepsy drugs! Apple poison! DASH diet! Survival rates! Zany parenting! Pet allergies! Medication overdose! And breastfeeding because you love life! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—voraciously!

Drug Trafficker: Hunger Games Is Real in Mexico

Maureen O'Connor · 06/13/11 02:29PM

The Houston Chronicle talked to a cartel trafficker this weekend, "in an interview arranged by intermediaries on the condition neither his name nor the location of his Texas visit be published." Anonymous Trafficker has either witnessed the most sadistic crimes imaginable, or is totally fucking with us:

New Retirement Home Hobby: Growing Weed

Jeff Neumann · 06/09/11 06:31AM

Life in a retirement community can be pretty bad for some people. But for elderly potheads, like the members of one California medical marijuana "pot collective" at Laguna Woods Village, it's not that bad! Or, at least it wasn't.

Grownups Are Worried About The Chronic

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/11 11:58AM

In the olden days, your parents used to smoke weed that was not chemically distinguishable from banana peels, which gave them a "hippy dippy" feeling, the most dangerous side effect of which was an affinity for neo-folk tunes. Today, you kids smoke chronic and shoot each other, or at least make up "freestyle raps" about same.

Flava Flav Blew $5.7 Million on Drugs

Maureen O'Connor · 06/07/11 12:55PM

"I was spending $2,600 a day, for six years, every single day," Flava Flav says of his drug use. Popeater does the math: Over 2,191 days (one leap year day included) this adds up to $5,696,600.

Senators Already Trying to Shutter Online Drug Market

Lauri Apple · 06/05/11 03:47PM

Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) are asking the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Justice to "do something" about Silk Road, the go-to website for illegal drug-takers who appreciate convenience. They don't like the site's user interface.

Old People All Drinking 'Energy Shots' Now

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 11:31AM

Have the elderly people around you been acting rather crackheaded lately? Don't worry, it's not Alzheimers (yet)! They're all drinking "5 Hour Energy" shots just as fast as they can, the old coots. They'll probably die soon(er).

While We're At It, Let's Free All Nonviolent Drug Offenders

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 09:39AM

Attorney general Eric Holder has come out in favor of reduced sentences for thousands of people currently imprisoned on nonviolent crack cocaine convictions. (A recent law corrected the insane sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine; Holder is simply recommending that the new sentencing guidelines be applied to some people already in jail.) That's a great first step. Then can we let out all the other drug war victims, too?

'Wal-Mart of Weed' Opens in Arizona

Jeff Neumann · 06/02/11 04:20AM

Yesterday afternoon, Arizona's first weGrow franchise — a "superstore-sized garden center" that sells everything you need to grow weed — opened for business in Phoenix. And it sounds great. Besides being a one-stop shop for all of your growing needs, there are doctors on hand to help diagnose those "back spasms" you're dealing with:

We Lost the War on Drugs

Max Read · 06/01/11 11:00PM

A new report from the Global Commission on Drug Policy, an international group that includes former Secretary of State George Schultz, former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, finds that the international war on drugs is a big fat failure. (On the part of humans. Drugs seem to be doing A-OK.) "The evidence," the commission writes, "overwhelmingly demonstrates that... the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won." Well, not with that attitude, guys! [BBC; image via AP]