
Sarah Hedgecock · 06/09/14 11:04AM

A young boy collects drinking water from a leaking pipeline in Jammu, India, on Monday. A heat wave has struck the northern plains of the country, with temperatures passing 113 degrees Fahrenheit in several places, leading to scarcity of water and frequent disruptions in power supply. Image via Channi Anand/AP.

Rising Food Prices Could Be Great For Our Health

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/14 08:58AM

Consider us, the average American consumers: couch-bound, sluggish, overweight, grazing on a steady diet of heavy meats, hormone-laced milk, and refined sugars. An economically required fast is the best thing that could happen to us.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/14 11:13AM

Officials say 17 towns in California could run out of water in the next 2-4 months, thanks to endless drought. Does it seem like the weather's been kind of... I don't know... extreme lately? Maybe it's just our imaginations.

Ken Layne · 01/17/14 12:32PM

That California drought emergency we told you about yesterday is official now. Governor Jerry Brown officially declared it this morning in San Francisco. "We ought to be ready for a long, continued, persistent effort to restrain our water use," says Brown. If it's yellow, let it mellow, etc.

As California Burns, Hot Dry Weather Predicted For Entirety of "Winter"

Ken Layne · 01/16/14 03:02PM

Here's some terrible news to mark the beginning of permanent fire season in California: It's going to stay like this, hot and dry, until May. The Climate Prediction Center says winter will come and go without the usual winter storms that provide the snowpack that provides all the water people use. Fire conditions will be awful until summer, when they will continue being awful until next winter, if winter ever shows up again.

The Southern Water Wars Are Just Beginning

Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/13 10:52AM

The future of America (and, indeed, the world) will be characterized by widespread and increasingly violent skirmishes for control of the last sources of precious, precious water. Currently, we're in phase one: the legal battles.

This Drought Will Not End Until The West Evaporates

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 08:29AM

One year ago, America had bigger things to worry about than A-Rod's pharmaceutical regimen and the latest tripe from Beyonce: a huge, well-deserved drought covering the majority of the country. What has the new summer brought us? More drought. And now we must suffer for our sins.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/13 03:50PM

The national forecast for spring: more heat waves and drought. Mmm. Sounds nice right about now.

Parched Nation Wilts in Well-Deserved Drought

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/12 08:35AM

For centuries, Americans have strutted about boldly as masters of our natural domains. Forest? Clear it. River? Dam it. Lake? Drain it. Endangered species? See if it is tasty when covered in Cheez™. We have comported ourselves as gods, and expected that the rest of the world would bow to our haughty demands. So this summer, as your lawn withers and your faucets run dry and your neighbors arm themselves for the coming Water Wars, rest assured: we deserve this drought.

Iran Accuses Europe of Stealing Its Rain

Max Read · 05/21/11 03:01PM

Why has Iran suffered through so many droughts over the last few years? Many people would say "weather patterns, or whatever." But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad knows the truth! "Western countries have designed plans to cause drought in certain areas of the world," he said in a speech in the Iranian city of Arak. And not only that! "European countries are using special equipment to force clouds to dump" rain on their own countries.