
How To be a Better Driver in a Big City

David Matthews · 02/25/10 11:00AM

Are you considering delivering pizzas in your free time? It's a big city out there (and not all the streets are neatly numbered or lettered) so you're gonna need all the help you can get navigating the lipstick concrete jungle.

The War on Distracted Driving Has Commenced

cityfile · 01/12/10 01:52PM

Because some people have yet to get the message that it's not the best idea to talk on your cell phone, apply makeup and eat lunch while you drive, the Transportation Department is sending out "an army of people that will be traveling the country persuading people to put their cellphones away while they're driving." Yes, Distraction.gov, the "official US government website for distracted driving" has arrived! [AP]

Joe Biden Needs a Bicycle

cityfile · 11/18/09 03:30AM

If Joe Biden ever offers you a ride in his limo, politely decline and find another way to get where you're going. The vice president's motorcade was involved in a traffic accident late yesterday, his third in under a week. Biden was heading over to The Daily Show when one of the advance police cars in his motorcade crashed into a livery cab on 49th Street. Unlike his accident on Nov. 11, though, no one died this time around. While the unmarked cop car was a little worse for the wear, none of the cars' occupants were seriously injured. And the drama didn't prevent Biden from doing a smash-up job when he sat down with Jon Stewart either, so that's nice. [WCBS, NYDN]

Ticketathon Raises $1 Mil.

cityfile · 10/27/09 01:54PM

Last week's assault on cellphone-chatting drivers turned out to be a nice fundraiser for the city: The 7,500 tickets issued during the 24-hour crackdown pumped $975,000 into city coffers. [NYP]

Another Historic Achievement For NYC

cityfile · 06/16/09 09:37AM

Victory is ours! After losing the top spot in the annual survey of the nation's angriest drivers, New York City has once again risen to the top of the heap, beating out Miami, which placed No. 1 last year. "New Yorkers were most likely to wave their fists or arms. They were most likely to lay on the horn and they were most likely to make some sort of obscene gesture," explained Michael Bush, of the marketing firm Affinion Group, which commissioned the survey. You knew all of this, of course. But a little validation goes a long way. [NYDN]

Ford CEO Forced To Learn How To Drive

Hamilton Nolan · 12/02/08 11:01AM

Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally is a Ford-drivin' man. The humble CEO, who is forced to feed his family on a mere $1/ year salary, announced that rather than taking a private jet like last time, he's going to catch the carpool fever and drive on down to Washington, DC to beg the government for bailout money. Driving himself, in a Ford hybrid car! Has someone been taking our PR advice? We'll say yes! Reportedly, "The Ford road trip would cost about $29, excluding snacks." Cost of snacks: $25 billion. [NYP]

Shia LaBeouf Busted for DUI

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 01:35PM

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull star Shia LaBeouf was arrested early this morning in Hollywood on suspicion of driving while well 'faced. "The 22-year-old actor was the driver of a vehicle that was involved in a 3 a.m. collision at a street intersection in Hollywood, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. Scott Wolf said. 'It was immediately apparent to officers responding on the scene that LaBeouf was intoxicated and he was subsequently placed under arrest,' Wolf said."

Prince Harry Accused of Reckless Driving

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 02:21PM

See, England? This is what happens when you let your stupid royal family continue to exist into the 21st Century. "Britain's Prince Harry has been accused of taking part in a 100 mph car chase in the British county of Berkshire, police say. In an official police complaint, 33-year-old Tim Williams alleged that royal protection officers forced him to drive at unsafe speeds by tailgating his car as the prince was traveling to an area nightclub, The Mail on Sunday reported.