When Drinking Games Go Wrong: Prosthetic Limb Edition
Jeff Neumann · 07/11/10 09:30AMFacebook CEO Jumps on Bros Icing Bros Trend, Makes Staffer Slam Smirnoff
Ryan Tate · 06/16/10 06:04PMState of the Union Drinking Game and Comment Party USA
Pareene · 01/27/10 08:00PMThe Web 2.0 Drinking Game: Now with Facebook
Nick Douglas · 09/29/06 08:26PM
You've probably already seen the ridrunkulous Web 2.0 drinking game from Scifi.com that blogger Steve Rubel showed me. You've laughed at "On MySpace, take a drink if you manage to find the person you had a crush on in 2nd grade. Finish your drink if they're still hot." You even saw the added TechCrunch rules on the Supr.c.ilio.us blog. So here's one more section:
Studio 60: The Drinking Game
mark · 09/25/06 08:59PM
Not that we'd ever suggest that you need any help whatsoever in getting shitfaced while sitting in front of a television, but the Foma blog has already come up with a drinking game for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, which we pass along in the hope that you can put it to good use during tonight's second installment of the series: