
Hamilton Nolan · 06/03/15 03:42PM

A mere nine months after Walmart employees began vociferously complaining about the company’s new dress code, the company is relaxing its dress code. “My job is to make your life easier,” a Walmart executive who was lying told workers.

Teens Outraged at "No Sausage Rolls" Dress Code for Graduation

Jay Hathaway · 05/29/15 11:48AM

The senior boys of Biglerville (Pa.) High School are all getting ready to dress up in khakis and collared shirts for their graduation ceremony this month, per the school’s dress code. Meanwhile, the girls are getting ready to hide their unsightly “sausage rolls, as Mrs. Elliott calls them” also per the dress code, because everyone knows “you can’t put 10 pounds of mud in a five-pound sack.”

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/14 12:17PM

Starbucks' newly liberalized dress code now reads: "Tattoos are allowed, but not on your face or throat. Treat tattoos as you treat speech — you can't swear, make hateful comments or lewd jokes in the workplace, neither can your tattoos." Piss coffee.

Walmart Made This Sign

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/14 02:20PM

A Walmart employee sends us this photo of a sign posted in a Walmart store, instructing employees on the finer points of the new Walmart dress code. "The followin positions can wear blue or black denim jeans"

How to Dress Like a Swiss Banker

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/10 09:45AM

Because Swiss bankers are such notorious slobs, always showing up at work in old Metallica t-shirts and unwashed tighty-whiteys, UBS has issued its staff a 43-page (or possibly 52-page) dress code, covering them from fingernails to unmentionables.

Last Remaining Perk Of Journalism Career Destroyed

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/08 02:40PM

One of the few good things left about working in journalism is the right to dress casually in the office. If a reporter knows they're going to be sitting behind a desk all day, making phone calls and typing stories, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to wear some god damn jeans. It's not like journalists—especially at newspapers—are getting paid a lot, or have job security or good remaining pension plans or a business in which layoffs are not forever imminent. Dressing down is really the only thing they can cling to when they ask themselves why they didn't go to law school. But not at the LA Daily News! After the jump, read the paper's new dress code that is a stake in the heart of every reporter who rationalized that, hey, at least my job is a good place to show off these designer jeans:

"Gullible" Not in Ad-Bloggers' Dictionaries

Pareene · 04/25/08 04:14PM

Ad agency Leo Burnett put this poster up in its offices this week, announcing a new company dress code. Even the creatives would have to wear collared shirts and cotton trousers! And the ladies! It's obviously a big ol' joke designed to help Leo Burnett seem "cool" and "with it" even though they are a huge and ancient company. But it freaked out all the ad bloggers! Ad Age's Adages blog points and laughs at those duped. Meanwhile, ad agency creatives are still allowed to not dress like assholes despite being assholes. [Adages]