
World's Worst Date with World's Worst Person

Richard Lawson · 01/28/08 05:05PM

Our old friend John Fitzgerald Page, online braggart and the world's worst person, has been selling merchandise for some time now, but now it's gotten even better! For the low cost of $500 a day ($250 for a 1/2 day. Whew! Hard math!) you can enjoy the company of this upscale Ivy League grad. Perhaps after you bring him to your office party, he'll take you for a nightcap in his favorite Atlanta nightlife district. Or maybe even at his high rise apartment. This is probably a joke, right? If so, good on him. Though, that's what we said about him the first time we encountered him, and as he proved over and over again, he was deadly serious. Someone should tell him that the Debra Messing movie he's citing, The Wedding Date, was a terrible bomb and may be the World's Worst Movie (some of us may have seen it. More than once.) We dare someone to go on a dream date with him. Come on. It's a bargain. (Click thumb for larger screen shot!)