
American Apparel Spoofer Goes Retro-Porny

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/08 01:06PM

The now-famous but still anonymous American Apparel ad spoofer has always done his or her part to portray the hipster robot clothing company's ads as they are in CEO Dov Charney's mind: tasteful porn. The spoofer knows that the mandate to actually put clothes in his ads is just a necessary evil to Dov; he'd rather just see naked, self-stimulating, shaven women writhing around in space—perhaps accompanied by a cute animal. But now the spoofer is urging a return to the unshaven days of yore; a move that fits in with AA's faux-natural branding quite nicely. Clever viral marketing (doubtful)? Or just an unspoken call for variety in AA's secret full-on nude ads, to be unveiled as soon as society is ready for them? After the jump, full photos of the spoofer's latest porny—yet natural—line drawings:

Dov Charney Is A Hero To Immigrants

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/08 02:14PM

VBS.TV (Vice magazine's online video channel) has an 8-part series called "Illegal LA" about the illegal immigration issue. The setup is to tell the story through the eyes of several key figures on different sides of the issue—including pervy American Apparel CEO Dov Charney! It raises an interesting point: though Charney is the neurotic head of our nation's most annoying fashion line who enjoys playing with himself in front of reporters, he is also one of the only entrepreneurs in his field with a truly progressive labor policy. Should he be forgiven for the first because of the second? No, but at least he has a mark in his favor on the balance sheet. After the jump, two clips featuring Charney's take on this unjust country of ours; and, as a counterpoint, a new spoof American Apparel ad that graphically reminds you of the evils of spandex.

American Apparel Spoofer: Bambi Porn Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/08 03:58PM

The anonymous American Apparel ad prankster strikes again. This time with more animals! Also—it must be said—with even more poon-tang than usual. Copyranter says the new installment is a spoof of this bambi-themed ad. If Dov Charney doesn't find this vandal and put him or her on the payroll immediately, he's even crazier than we think. Click through for two uncensored photos of the (explicit, artistic) latest work:

American Apparel Needs Models To Show Their Junk

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/08 02:46PM

You'll be kicking yourself for missing this party in an LA American Apparel store last Friday. It was not just an event in honor of gay pride; it included a contest to "win" a chance to "Show Your Stuff" in an American Apparel ad. "Winner chosen @ Stallion after party." Isn't that how it always turns out? Dov Charney continues to find new and innovative ways to trick dudes and girls alike into helping him skeeve out the world. The full flier, with NSFW lime green underwear shot, after the jump.

Cartoon Pervs

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/08 05:14PM

Dov Charney, homeless American Apparel models, a talking t-shirt, and a bunch of tards—all in cartoon form. It's about time. Cartoon Dov explains, "The world is getting pervier. And America has to compete!" [Current]

Dov Charney Wins!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/08 01:39PM

Pervy pacing madman and American Apparel CEO Dov Charney was named "Retailer of the Year" at the annual Michael Awards, which are the self-described "Oscars of Fashion." The company was cited for its "progressive business practices and provocative advertising
campaigns." Like this one! The Michael Awards are a benefit for medical disorders, which is very appropriate.

Dov Charney Pacing Madly As Usual

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/08 01:48PM

NYC blogger-about-town Cajun Boy was minding his business on a bench outside of an American Apparel store on the Lower East Side last weekend, when "a man with thick eyeglasses wearing a blue Member's Only jacket, carrying a denim murse, and generally carrying on like a crazy person" started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk, shouting into a headset. The man's erratic behavior had Cajun Boy convinced he was a maniac about to shoot up the store. Until he got a good look and discovered—spoiler alert—that it was just energetic American Apparel CEO Dov Charney, no doubt engaged in important corporate business! A scary, businesslike man. Not spotted: Dov's poor chihuahua. [Cajun Boy In The City]

"Sheer Loopiness" after American Apparel Goes Public

Sheila · 04/14/08 09:25AM

Maybe it's just the effect of repeated, unending exposure, but Dov Charney, the self-described "Jewish hustler" and lech behind American Apparel, seems to get cuter every week. This weekend, the WSJ intoned about the company recently going public: "American Apparel is opening the kimono — and it's not necessarily a pretty sight." A totally fun WSJ video of Dov follows.

Is Dov Charney Neglecting His Chihuahua?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 04:24PM

A Los Angeles neighbor of American Apparel hipster-in-charge Dov Charney writes in after seeing our item about Dov's charming front yard "Fuck off" sculpture. Turns out that while he's often seen wandering around talking on the phone and scratching his balls, Dov may be letting his primary occupation, assisting young models, interfere with an equally important obligation: taking care of his poor little chihuahua, named "HedKayce." Dig it! The full email, after the jump.

Dov Charney's View

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 02:44PM

This is what sexually enthusiastic American Apparel CEO Dov Charney sees when he looks out the front door of his (doubtless) multimillion-dollar home in LA. If he feels that way about the city, maybe he should move? Click to enlarge the photo. You'll never see this view in person unless your ass looks good in tights. [Animal NY]

Woody Allen Wants Nothing To Do With Pervy American Apparel

Ryan Tate · 04/01/08 02:14AM

Woody Allen sued Dov Charney's clothing company American Apparel for $10 million for using without permission an image of Allen dressed as a rabbi on billboards in New York and Los Angeles. Clearly, movie director Allen does not want to be associated with chronic inappropriate masturbator and accused sex harasser (and fellow Jew) Charney. Because then, you know, people might think Allen had weird sexual issues. (Click thumb for larger image of the billboard.) [Bloomberg]

American Apparel Model: Dov Charney "Perfectly Harmless"

Sheila · 03/08/08 02:24PM

Now, this is the kind of thing we like to see: in Radar Online, an American Apparel model defends the sticky-but-fun truth about modeling for pervy (yet pleasingly macho) founder Dov Charney. "We were more than five hours late to this shoot at Dov's loft in Manhattan because I could not stop puking up the entire bottle of wine I downed the night before... although when I glimpse my protruding ribs on the back of L.A. Weekly weeks later, I'm secretly thankful for having nothing left in my stomach that day." Seriously, she continues, he's actually a standup guy, a real mensch (despite the pending sexual harassment lawsuits.)

Why Was Dov Charney Expelled From Choate?

Emily · 04/24/07 01:05PM

The fawning description of American Apparel founder and noted perv Dov Charney's "meteoric success" in Choate's alumni newsletter perplexed at least one of his former classmates person, who has tantalized us with this tip:

American Apparel Was Born At Choate

Emily · 04/23/07 12:13PM

American Apparel founder Dov Charney is perhaps best known for two things: masturbating on his employees and being a hugely successful entrepreneur. The alumni newsletter of the fancy boarding school that he attended for one year would like for you to focus exclusively on the latter thing!

Dov Charney Gets Rolled Up Backdoored

lock · 12/19/06 11:18AM

LOCKHART STEELE — Seems like just a few weeks ago Valleywag was musing on the subject of The Rollup. (Oh, wait.) Then today's newsprint brings this: social dogooder-cum-softcore pornographer Dov Charney has sold his American Apparel clothing business to the Endeavor Acquisition Corporation, a small, publicly traded group that's making its first acquisition with American Apparel.

Remainders: Joe Lieberman Shits in the Woods

abalk2 · 06/16/06 05:50PM

• Apparently Joe Lieberman has some sort of bet going to determine how stupid voters in Connecticut really are. [YouTube]
• When an outfit like The Nation calls something "the stupidest press release ever" you need to sit up and take note: It's got to be egregiously dumb to stand out amongst all the touts for new bongs and "progressive netroots" conferences. [The Nation]
• American Apparel flack responds to 2005 resignation letter; apparently, Dov Charney is so saintly that if you threw him out of a plane, he'd float up. [Consumerist]
• Philadelphia follows lead of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, bans smoking. Racist cheesesteaks still available. [Philadelphia Will Do]
• Britney Spears has no plans to birth newest Federline in Namibia, decides it's just as easy to sob yourself to sleep here in the U.S.A. [People]
• The Daily News doesn't need a touching quote to make us cry - they can just keep running that unsightly picture of Lloyd Grove each day. [Observer]
• Jack Shafer's not gonna be happy until every single American child is on the drugs. Also, he ran with a tough crowd in high school [Slate]
• Ann Coulter calls for assassination of Pennsylvania congressman; weary nation yawns, wonders who said it first. [ThinkProgress]
• A heartwarming story about respect. [OINY]
• OMG, this is SO. FUCKING. CUTE. [Corporate Casual]