
No One is Too Old for a Real Life Simulation of Donkey Kong

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/03/10 01:14PM

Here we have two guys reenacting Donkey Kong — complete with barrels and sound effects straight out of the 80's. This real-life simulation shows just how difficult it is to dodge a actual barrel being thrown at you.

Robert Downey Jr Smashes It Up!

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/04/08 06:05PM

The 'stache-tastic Robert Downey Jr — along with Japan's very own Iron Man, Hal —went off on a few barrels before the premiere of Iron Man. According to Downey Jr, the barrels were asking for it and got what they deserved. Downey said, "Those barrels were mouthing off. Saying some nasty things about my performance in The Shaggy Dog and now they're going to pay." After having such a blast demolishing the barrels, Downey and Hal agreed to team up on a live action version of Donkey Kong, possibly to be helmed by Wong Kar-Wai.

Mark Graham · 03/05/08 05:00PM

If you saw 2007's instant classic doc King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters (which, btw, was totally hosed by those n00bs at the Academy), you'll certainly agree that Steve Wiebe is probably the greatest human being ever to walk the Earth. But if you saw the film when it was released on DVD about a month ago and poured through the extras as religiously as we did, you likely learned that Wiebe's Donkey Kong world record was broken by cinema's most dastardly villain, Billy Mitchell, in June of 2007. Well, to that end, our friends over at /Film are reporting that Steve Wiebe will be attempting to reclaim his rightful position as DK World Champ in Vegas tonight at some Microsoft sponsored nerdfest. Twin Galaxies kingpin / referee / stoner supreme Walter Day will there to oversee the event, so you can be assured no videotaped shenanigans will stand in the way of Wiebe this time. Break a leg barrel, Steve! [/Film]