
Donald Trump Weighs in on Crashed EgyptAir Flight

Brendan O'Connor · 05/19/16 07:45AM

Not to be outdone by a plane crash and 66 possible dead bodies, Donald Trump has found a way to insert himself into the EgyptAir news cycle, speculating that the plane was brought down by “yet another terrorist attack.”

Trump Surrogate Says Wall Will Be Virtual

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/19/16 07:27AM

One of Donald Trump’s surrogates this week gave a new reason for why the candidate seems so confident he can get Mexico to pay for a wall: There isn’t really going to be a wall.

Donald Trump Almost Too Good at Hiding His Billions of Dollars

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/18/16 04:42PM

This week Donald Trump submitted his personal financial disclosure forms to the FEC, a fascinating 104-page document that, more than anything else, illustrates how good the self-proclaimed billionaire is at hiding those billions. We don’t know how he did it, but they show up nowhere in the entire disclosure.

Union Leaders: Stop Fucking Up

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/16 09:50AM

In this bizarre presidential election season, will the Democrats allow petty infighting and lack of vision to successfully put Donald Trump in the White House? Some labor union leaders are doing their best to fuck things up already.